Girl Names for My Owletts

  1. Ariadne
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "most holy"
    • Description:

      This name of the Cretan goddess of fertility is most popular now as the more melodic Ariana, but Ariadne has possibilities of its own. It first entered the US Top 1000 in 2014. The renewed interest in the name falls in line with the revival of other mythological names like Apollo and Athena. The trendy nickname Ari doesn't hurt either.
  2. Arianwen
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "white, fair, blessed"
    • Description:

      Rarely heard outside of Wales, Arianwen is one of many pretty wen-ending names prominent in ancient Welsh legend.
  3. Athena
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from Athens"
    • Description:

      Magical and distinctive but grounded and familiar too, it's no surprise that Athena has become one of the most widely used ancient goddess names in the contemporary Western world. Derived from the city name Athens, it is current a Top 100 choice in the US.
  4. Aurelia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "the golden one"
    • Description:

      Aurelia is an ancient Roman name that's become a surprise hit in the contemporary world. A top favorite on Nameberry, it reentered the US Top 1000 in 2014 after a 70-year absence and continues to climb.
  5. Eolande
    • Felicity
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "good fortune, happy"
      • Description:

        Felicity is as accessible a virtue name as Hope and Faith, but much more feminine -- and dare we say, happier. The hit TV show did a lot to soften and modernize the once buttoned-up image of Felicity, and it got further notice as the red-haired Colonial doll, Felicity Merriman, in the American Girl series. A current bearer is actress Felicity Huffman.
    • Gwyneth
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "blessed, happy"
      • Description:

        Because of Gwyneth Paltrow, this has almost become a one-person name, but not in the prohibitive there's-only-one-Oprah sense. Also seen as Gwenyth and Gweneth, this mellifluous appellation is definitely becoming more and more appreciated by American parents-- enough to land it on this year's Top 1000.
    • Ione
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "violet flower"
      • Description:

        This unusual Greek flower and color name has gained considerable recent attention via actress Ione Skye, who is the daughter of sixties folksinger Donovan.
    • Isolde
      • Origin:

        Welsh, German
      • Meaning:

        "ice ruler"
      • Description:

        Now that Tristan has been rediscovered, maybe it's time for his fabled lover in the Arthurian romances and Wagnerian opera, a beautiful Irish princess, to be brought back into the light as well.
    • Josephine
      • Origin:

        French feminine variation of Joseph, Hebrew
      • Meaning:

        "Jehovah increases"
      • Description:

        Josephine, with its large measure of class and character and a gently offbeat quality, has been on a gentle uphill climb in the US for over 30 years, now ranking in the Top 100. With an intriguing number of vivacious nicknames, from Jo to Josie to Fifi to Posy, Josephine is a Nameberry favorite.
    • Liv
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Olivia, English, Norse
      • Meaning:

        "olive tree; life, protection"
      • Description:

        Liv combines the succinct charm of a nickname—people might assume it's short for Olivia—with the solidity of being a classic stand-alone Scandinavian name with a life-force meaning. It was brought into the public eye (in the English speaking world that is) due to the fame of actress and Aerosmith daughter Liv Tyler.
    • Marit
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        An unusual and straightforward name with an attractive Scandinavian accent; a royal name in Norway.
    • Meriel
      • Origin:

        Irish variation of Muriel
      • Description:

        Pleasant modernization of dated original.
    • Miriam
      • Origin:

        Hebrew or Egyptian
      • Meaning:

        "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved"
      • Description:

        The oldest-known form of Mary, serious and solemn Miriam has been a particular favorite of observant Jewish parents. But we can see it extending beyond that sphere into the next wave of Old Testament names post-Rachel, Rebecca, Sarah, Hannah, and Leah. Miriam is currently the Number 1 girls' name in Israel.
    • Navi
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "to name"
      • Description:

        Nickname for the star Gamma Cassiopeiae given by the late astronaut Gus Grissom after his own middle name (Ivan) spelled backwards. Navi also relates to the prophets in the Hebrew Bible.
    • Neve
      • Origin:

        Anglicized spelling of Irish Niamh or Italian and Portuguese
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Introduced to the American public by actress Neve Campbell; it was her Dutch-born mother's maiden name. Neve is an interesting and fresh new possibility, one which Conan O'Brien chose for his daughter.
    • Philomena
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "lover of strength"
      • Description:

        Philomena is an earthy Greek name now used in various Latin countries. While it has felt simply clunky for many years, it's starting -- along with such sister names as Wilhelmina and Frederica -- to sound so clunky it's cool.
    • Saga
      • Origin:

        Swedish word name
      • Meaning:

        "story; seeress"
      • Description:

        Apt name for a little drama queen with a long future ahead of her. Saga is a Top 30 girls' name in Sweden.
    • Solene
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "with solemnity"
      • Description:

        Solene is a variation of Solange fashionable in recent years in France and a new hit name on Nameberry.
    • Thea
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "goddess, godly"
      • Description:

        Thea is a diminutive of names ending in -thea, including Dorothea, Althea, and Anthea. It is also the Anglicized spelling of Theia, the Titan of sight, goddess of light, and mother of the moon. She was the consort of Hyperion, and mother of Helios, Selene, and Eos.