Possible dog names

A list containing possible names for future and past dogs, regardless of breed or gender.
  1. Bailey
    • Origin:

      English occupational name
    • Meaning:

      "law enforcer, bailiff"
    • Description:

      Extremely amiable, open-sounding surname that's gradually being taken over by the girls.
  2. Bentley
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "meadow with coarse grass"
    • Description:

      Bentley, a somewhat stuffy British surname, previously associated primarily with an incredibly expensive English car, has had a recent surge in popularity, thanks largely to the reality TV shows 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, with Bentley being the name of the son of breakout star Maci (another new favorite) Bookout.
  3. Bolt
    • Casper
      • Origin:

        Dutch form of Jasper, Persian
      • Meaning:

        "bringer of treasure"
      • Description:

        This ancient name, also spelled Caspar, is finally shedding its ghostly image and moving into the 21st century. Popular in the Netherlands and Scandinavia, where it's sometimes shortened to Cas, Casper could ride the style coattails of cousin Jasper.
    • Chevy
      • Origin:

        French, diminutive of Chevalier
      • Meaning:

        "horseman, knight"
      • Description:

        Eternally tied to the surname Chase, via the old English battle and ballad, the DC suburb, and the goofy SNL pratfaller (who was born Cornelius). It entered the US Top 1000 in 2014.
    • Copper
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "a reddish brown mineral"
      • Description:

        More unique than Cooper, and a favorite among pet parents. Copper was the loveable bloodhound from Disney's Fox and the Hound. Keep in mind that Copper is also slang for a policeman.
    • Cola
      • Fiske
        • Ilo
          • Loke
            • Origin:

              Scandinavian variation of Loki, Norse, meaning unknown
            • Description:

              Loke is a modern variant of Loki, the name of a Norse mythological figure. Loke is a Top 100 name in Sweden.
          • Mattis
            • Origin:

              Scandinavian, German variation of Matthias, Matthew
            • Meaning:

              "gift of God"
            • Description:

              Mattis was most popular in Scandinavia in the 2000s and 2010s, and is now seeing success in Germany. In the US, it's most familiar as a surname.
          • Max
            • Origin:

              English and German diminutive of Maximilian or Maxwell
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              Max was derived from Maximilian, a Latin name that originated from the Roman family name Maximus. The character name Max in the children's classic Where the Wild Things Are had an impact on baby namers. Max is a widely used name internationally.
          • Mocha
            • Origin:

              English, color and coffee name
            • Description:

              Save this for your next run to Starbucks.
          • Nico
            • Origin:

              Italian diminutive of Nicholas, Greek
            • Meaning:

              "people of victory"
            • Description:

              Nico is one of the great nickname names, full of charm, energy and effortless cool -- a neo Nick.
          • Pepsi
            • Roux
              • Origin:

                French from Latin
              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Roux is the name of the dashing Johnny Depp character in Chocolat. Roux is French from a Latin word meaning russet or brownish red; it's also a cooking term for a mixture of flour and butter that forms the foundation of many gravies or sauces. Most of today's children with this name, pronounced roo, will actually spell it Rue, for the female character in The Hunger Games.
            • Runa
              • Origin:

                Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Japanese
              • Meaning:

                "secret lore; moon"
              • Description:

                A strong and stylish alternative to the super-fashionable Luna, with a double background as a Scandinavian and Japanese name. It's the female form of the Nordic male name Rune, meaning "secret lore", and also a Japanese name meaning "moon" – making this an undiscovered celestial choice.
            • Salem
              • Origin:

                Biblical place-name or Arabic
              • Meaning:

              • Description:

                Salem is a biblical place-name in Canaan, believed to be the same as Jerusalem. Americans may be more familiar with Salem as the name of the Massachusetts town famous for its witch trials in the late 1600s. It's also a popular Arabic name widely-used for both genders.
            • Skip
              • Tesla
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "from Thessaly"
                • Description:

                  Tesla, the surname of Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla that has more recently been used as the brand name for an electric car, is gaining some use as a first name for girls. Exactly 100 girls were named Tesla in the U.S. last year. You might think of the name as a Tessa/Isla hybrid, though with Tesla the s is not silent. There was also a rock band named Tesla.