I'd Never Name My Child....
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- Alfred
"wise counselor; elf counsel"Description:
Alfred is up off his recliner! If you're looking for a path to Fred, you can go directly to Frederick or take the long way around with the so-out-it's-in-again Alfred. Alfred is quite popular in several European countries, especially England and Wales, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
- Angela/Angie
- Barney/Barnie
- Chris
English nickname for Christian, ChristopherMeaning:
"one who carries Christ"Description:
Chris is a long-running nickname used almost equally for boys and girls. While past its prime, Chris stands out as sounding completely appropriate for both sexes, perhaps because of its widespread use as a short form of both the popular Christopher and Christine. Chris manages to retain its crisp appeal even though its fashion moment is over.
- Connie
Diminutive of ConstanceMeaning:
Connie is a sweet and charming vintage nickname, which ranks in the top 200 in the UK and has a vintage charm that makes it ready for a comeback in the US as well.
- Ellie
English, diminutive of Eleanor and EllenMeaning:
"bright shining one"Description:
Ellie first took off in the UK—yes, in this nickname form—and this warm and friendly name has also become hugely popular here. In 2011, Ellie entered the US Top 100 girl names for the first time and has remained near the top of the charts ever since.
- Gretel/Greta
- Henry
"estate ruler"Description:
Henry is back. The classic Henry climbed back onto the Top 10 in the US in 2021 for the first time in over a century, and now stands at Number 8.
- Jessica
"behold or wealthy"Description:
When Jennifer finally gave up her Number 1 place on the girls' popularity list, her crown was passed to Jessica, who reigned for not one but two decades. Jessica was the Number 1 name in both the mid-1980s and 1990s, never sounding quite as trendy as its predecessor, maybe because of its classic Shakespearean pedigree.
- Justine
French feminine variation of JustinMeaning:
"fair, righteous"Description:
Justine is a French name that's never reached the popularity we think it deserves. Like its far-more-common brother Justin, Justine is sleek, and sophisticated, but still user-friendly.
- Kristen
Danish and Norwegian variation of ChristineMeaning:
"a Christian"Description:
Kristen may be somewhat past its fashion high point, but it remains forever crystalline clear. Possible problem: confusion with the similar Scandinavian names Kristin, Kirsten, Kirstie, et al.
- Luca
Italian variation of Luke and LucasMeaning:
"light or man from Lucania"Description:
Very much a boy's name in Italy, it's beginning to be seen as a unisex possibility here: actress Jennie Garth used it for her daughter. When spelled Lucca as in the Italian city, it can also be considered one of the place names along with Venezia, Roma, and Milana that make great Italian names for girls.
- Luca
Italian variation of Luke and LucasMeaning:
"man from Lucania"Description:
The related Lucas and Luke are both hugely popular boy names in the US and internationally, and now Luca has joined them on boys' popularity lists around the world.
- Nevan
"little saint"Description:
An Anglicized form of the Irish name, Naomhán, Nevan might feel like an updated Neville or Evan. With a charming meaning, it feels familiar but underused.
- Rico
Spanish, diminutive of RicardoMeaning:
"dominant ruler"Description:
Consider this short form for your little Richard.
- Roy
French or CelticMeaning:
"king or red-haired"Description:
We've seen Ray regain his cool, but could this country/cowboy name epitomized by Roy Rogers (born Leonard Slye), Acuff, and Clark, do the same?
- Roo
- Steven/Steve