'E' names

  1. Edmund
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "fortunate protector"
    • Description:

      The sophisticated Edmund and its nearly-identical French twin Edmond are coming out of mothballs now that Edward, inspired by Twilight, is once again a hot name.
  2. Eilidh
    • Origin:

      Gaelic form of Eleanor
    • Description:

      Long popular in Scotland, this attractive name is strictly-speaking the Gaelic version of Eleanor, but is also often considered part of the Helen family of names. After the Normans introduced it into the British Isles, it was transformed into Aileen or Evelyn. It has rarely been heard in the US, but it is slowly starting to be used here too.
  3. Eirian
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A modern Welsh name that will be misunderstood as Irene.
  4. Eleanor
    • Origin:

      English variation of French Provencal Alienor, meaning unknown
    • Description:

      Eleanor's straightforward feminine image combined with its royal medieval history is striking just the right note for parents in search of a girls' name that combines substance and style.
  5. Eleri
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "greatly bitter"
    • Description:

      Striking name of a legendary princess and a Welsh river that feels both moody and modern.
  6. Elfre
    • Ellery
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "descendant of Hilary"
      • Description:

        Ellery is a rhythmic three-syllable boy's name that is familiar and yet rarely used--and just waiting to be discovered. It's long been identified with Ellery Queen--which was both the pen name of two cousins, Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee, and the detective they created.
    • Elliott
      • Origin:

        Variation of Elliot
      • Meaning:

        "Jehovah is God"
      • Description:

        One of the four perfectly proper spellings of this name ranging from the spare (but poetic) Eliot to the full-blown Elliott. Elliott and Elliot are the two most popular, and they have given to almost the same number of baby boys in recent years. Elliott has that "-tt" ending that is so popular among parents today, with popular picks like Everett and Emmett, Beckett and Bennett. "El" names for both boys and girls have been trending in recent years, with Eli, Elijah, and Elias at the top of the charts for boys. Elliott has always been on the charts in the US, but is currently at its highest point ever. Elliott is also gaining in the UK, currently at number 107 in England. Elliott was the name of the dragon in the classic Disney film, Pete's Dragon.
    • Elowen
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        A beautiful modern Cornish nature name that is rapidly picking up steam in the States: even spawning variant spellings like Elowyn and Elowynn. In its native region, it wasn't widely used as a name before the twentieth century, when the Cornish language was revived. A (currently) unique member of the fashionble El- family of names, it has a pleasant, evocative sound.
    • Elspeth
      • Origin:

        Scottish variation of Elizabeth
      • Meaning:

        "pledged to God"
      • Description:

        Elspeth is one of those names that never quite made it out of the British Isles--particularly Scotland, but possesses a winningly childlike charm. Elspeth was used by Sir Walter Scott for several of his female characters.
    • Eluned
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "idol, image"
      • Description:

        Romantic and mysterious, Eluned's beauty and intelligence were legendary in Welsh legend; she was the handmaiden of the Lady of the Fountain in a Welsh Arthurian romance, who had a magic ring that made the wearer invisible. Pronunciation is usually similar in emphasis to Eleanor, but with ned instead of nor at the end. However, it's sometimes also pronounced el-LIN-ed or even shortened to Luned, the sounce of Lynette, in Tennyson's Gareth and Lynette.
    • Elwyn
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "noble friend, elf friend"
      • Description:

        A charming Welsh name with a great meaning, borne by E. B. White, author of Charlotte's Web.
    • Ember
      • Origin:

        French variation of Amber
      • Description:

        Unlike Amber, which is in decline, this name still has a bit of a glow left -- though confusions between the two will inevitably arise.
    • Emberly
      • Origin:

        Modern invented name
      • Description:

        The Kimberly of the current age, but currently less popular than either Ember or Everly.
    • Emeline
      • Origin:

        French form of German Amelina
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        An old name, with a history separate from Emily and Emma and a different kind of vintage feel, that's a possible alternative to top-of-the-pops names. More common spelling is Emmeline.
    • Emer
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Popular name in Ireland -- it's pronounced ee-mer -- from the legendary wife of Cuchulainn who was supposed to possess the six gifts of womanhood: beauty, voice, speech, wisdom, chastity, and of course, needlework. Is found in the poetry of Yeats.
    • Emrys
      • Origin:

        Welsh, variation of Ambrose
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        If you're looking for a Welsh name less common than Dylan, Griffin, Evan, or Morgan, you might want to consider this offbeat epithet of the wise wizard Merlin.

        Root name Ambrose is an ancient saints' name derived from the Greek ambrosia, the food and drink of the gods that conferred immortality.
    • Enfys
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        The Welsh name Enfys is a unisex name, although it is more commonly used as a feminine name. It is rare even in the United Kingdom, used on only a handful of children each year.
    • Enid
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "life, spirit"
      • Description:

        This Celtic goddess and Arthurian name may sound terminally old-ladyish to many ears--but so did names like Ella and Etta not so long ago. So Enid is yet another forgotten four-letter E-possibility: she's has been M.I.A since 1954.
    • Enoch
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        A major figure in the Old Testament, Enoch was the son of Jared, the father of Methuselah, and the great-grandfather of Noah whose Book of Enoch provides a focal point for ancient Jewish mysticism. Another Enoch was the son of Cain. "Enoch Arden" is a famous poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. On the negative side, British politician Enoch Powell gave the infamously racist Rivers of Blood anti-immigration speech, taking the name out of consideration for many parents in the UK.