
  1. Luca
    • Origin:

      Italian variation of Luke and Lucas
    • Meaning:

      "man from Lucania"
    • Description:

      The related Lucas and Luke are both hugely popular boy names in the US and internationally, and now Luca has joined them on boys' popularity lists around the world.
  2. Marie
    • Origin:

      French variation of Mary
    • Meaning:

      "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved"
    • Description:

      The ubiquitous French version of Mary came into the English-speaking world in the nineteenth century. In the United States, Marie was a huge hit at the turn of the last century and for the ensuing fifty years, becoming the seventh most popular name in the country for three years, from 1901 to 1904.
  3. Mateus
    • Origin:

      Portuguese variation of Matthew, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "gift of God"
    • Description:

      Portuguese variation of Matthew.
  4. May
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Margaret and Mary; month name
    • Description:

      May is a sweet old-fashioned name that hasn't been on the national charts in several decades, but is definitely sounding fresh and springlike. Parents are beginning to see it once more as one of the prettiest middle name options. May was as high on the list as Number 57 in the 1880s; it's now 228 on Nameberry.
  5. Mila
    • Origin:

      Slavic, Russian
    • Meaning:

      "gracious; dear"
    • Description:

      Mila is a popular name that took a 125 year nap, ranking in the Top 1000 in 1881 and then not ranking again until 2006, after actress Mila Kunis appeared on That 70s Show.
  6. Nathanael
    • Origin:

      Variation of Nathaniel
    • Description:

      Nathaniel is a wonderful classic name and Nathanael, which may be an ancient Greek or Hebrew form, is appealing and has gravitas but may prove needlessly confusing in the modern world.
  7. Pierre
    • Origin:

      French variation of Peter
    • Meaning:

      "rock, stone"
    • Description:

      One of the most familiar — if not stereotypical — Gallic names. Pierre was a Top 5 name in France from the 19th century through 1940 and is now on a steady decline in its native land. In the US, Pierre was most common in the 1980s but it has never cracked the Top 300.
  8. Rasmus
    • Origin:

      Finnish and Scandinavian variation of Erasmus
    • Meaning:

      "beloved, desired"
    • Description:

      A form of ancient name newly popular in Eastern Europe, Rasmus is rugged and distinctive - and on trend in Estonia and Finland. Virtually unknown in the U.S. but with its philosophical roots and uplifting meaning, Rasmus seems prime for use. The Rasmus is a Finnish rock band.
  9. Samira
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "companion in evening conversation"
    • Description:

      Shiny cousin of Samara with an intriguing meaning. Increasingly associated with the charming Samira Wiley, a perennial scene-stealer on "Orange is the New Black" and "The Handmaid's Tale."
  10. Sayra
    • Scarlett
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "scarlet, red"
      • Description:

        Scarlett Johansson is doing more for this sparky southern name than Scarlett O'Hara ever did. Since the turn of the 21st century, Scarlett has gone from an obscure literary name to one of the most popular girls' names starting with S, right after longtime favorites Sophia and Sofia.
    • Selina
      • Origin:

        Variation of Selena or Celine, Latin
      • Meaning:

        "moon; heaven"
      • Description:

        The Selina spelling swims below the Top 1000, which it fell off more than 15 years ago. Still, more than 160 baby girls were named Selina in 2023, compared with over 1300 named Selena and more than 1000 called the fashion-friendly Celine.
    • Shane
      • Origin:

        Anglicized variation of Sean
      • Meaning:

        "God is gracious"
      • Description:

        Shane ambled into the picture via the 1953 movie, adding a cowboy twist to its Irish essence. A variation of Sean with a hint of Shay and Zane, it is a popular choice in Ireland.
    • Shayan
      • Shirin
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "charming, sweet"
        • Description:

          An attractive unisex choice heard in several countries, including Armenia. Can be pronounced sheer-IN or sheer-EEN.
      • Sophia
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Sophia, which was the Number 1 girls' name in the US from 2011 to 2013, is among the top girl names in the Western World, with a sensuous sound and high-minded meaning. A real winner, Sophia reached the top of the charts without losing any—okay, much—of its sophisticated beauty.
      • Thalia
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "to flourish"
        • Description:

          Thalia was one of the Three Graces in Greek mythology, and also the Muse of comedy and pastoral poetry, making this a Hellenic choice worthy of consideration.
      • Tiffany
        • Origin:

          English variation of Theophania, Greek
        • Meaning:

          "of divine manifestation"
        • Description:

          One of the first luxury brand names and the quintessential Booming Eighties status-conscious moniker; used by Donald Trump for his daughter, Tiffany has plummeted far from its high in the Top 25.
      • Tina
        • Origin:

          Diminutive of Christina et al
        • Description:

          Tina, despite its petite and tinkly image, is apt these days to be replaced by the more elegant originals, Christina and Martina.It does have some strong namesakes, though, in Tina Turner (born Anna Mae), Tina Brown (born Christina), Tina Fey (born Elizabeth), and photographer Tina Barney (born Tina).
      • Tom
        • Origin:

          Diminutive of Thomas
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Just like Sam and Ben, Tom could be revived as a simple, well liked name on its own. Tom, just Tom, is one of the Top 100 Boy Names in France