Nicknames for Girls

  1. Andy
    • Bea
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Beatrice
      • Meaning:

        "she who brings happiness"
      • Description:

        Bea is a former old lady name that's cute again as a short form -- and is now beginning to stand on its own. Bee is a variation that, like Bea, can work as a diminutive for any name that starts with the letter B, or in the middle. Bea actually stood alone on the popularity lists for four years at the beginning of the twentieth century--and it could happen again.
    • Bette
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Elizabeth
      • Description:

        Pronounced a la Bette (Betty) Davis or Bette (Bet) Midler, a twentieth-century relic. Though if the equally vintage Betty comes back, Bette may be close behind.
    • Bree
      • Origin:

        Irish, from Brid, Brigh, Brigid
      • Meaning:

        "strength or exalted one"
      • Description:

        A short, breezy name with a sophisticated yet upbeat image, that doesn't betray its Irish roots. Bree first came to notice here in 1971 via the complex prostitute character in the movie Klute, which earned Jane Fonda an Oscar. More recently, it was tied to the character of Bree Van de Kamp on Desperate Housewives.
    • Bryn
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Bryn is an up-and-coming gentle, yet substantial, Welsh name that would also be effective in the middle spot. In Wales it's a traditional boys' name, but it's far more popular for girls now in the US.
    • Caro
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        The meaning is endearing, but it also feels uncomfortably like a short form for Caroline. Its artistic reference is British sculptor Anthony Caro.
    • Charlie
      • Origin:

        English diminutive of Charles or Charlotte, French from German
      • Meaning:

        "free man"
      • Description:

        Charlie is a friendly, boyish nickname name now used slightly more frequently for girls than boys, with over 2200 baby girls named Charlie last year versus about 2100 boys. That makes Charlie one of the most evenly-balanced and most popular unisex names around today.
    • Clio
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Clio is the name of the ancient Greek mythological muse of history and heroic poetry, one that is rich with modern charm and would make an intriguing choice, especially thanks to its dynamic o-ending.
    • Daisy
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Margaret or flower name, English
      • Meaning:

        "day's eye"
      • Description:

        Daisy, fresh, wholesome, and energetic, is one of the flower names that burst back into bloom after a century's hibernation. Originally a nickname for Margaret (the French Marguerite is the word for the flower), Daisy comes from the phrase "day's eye," because it opens its petals at daybreak.
    • Dolly
      • Origin:

        English, diminutive of Dorothy
      • Meaning:

        "gift of God"
      • Description:

        Hello, Dolly! Okay, we couldn't resist, but be warned: Most people who meet your little Dolly won't be able to either. This nickname-name, rarely heard since whatever decade Dolly Parton was born, is singing a fashionable note again along with sisters Dottie and Dixie; it was chosen for one of their twin girls by Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell.
    • Fee
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Fiona
      • Description:

        Too fiscal.
    • Gigi
      • Origin:

        French diminutive
      • Description:

        Joining the likes of Coco and Fifi, Gigi has a style but some may feel it lacks substance. Model and TV personality Gigi Hadid (born Jelena) has likely drawn attention to this name, while designer Cynthia Rowley may have inspired parents to use it as a given name by choosing it for her daughter.
    • Indie
      • Origin:

        Short form of India, Indigo etc
      • Description:

        Indie is an independent-sounding nickname name that is in the Top 100 in Wales. As a diminutive, it's growing in popularity -- along with indie films, indie publishing -- and the reason some parents are choosing names like India and Indigo. The Indie version seems more feminine, while Indy as in Indiana Jones tends toward the boyish.
    • Junae
      • Liv
        • Origin:

          Diminutive of Olivia, English, Norse
        • Meaning:

          "olive tree; life, protection"
        • Description:

          Liv combines the succinct charm of a nickname—people might assume it's short for Olivia—with the solidity of being a classic stand-alone Scandinavian name with a life-force meaning. It was brought into the public eye (in the English speaking world that is) due to the fame of actress and Aerosmith daughter Liv Tyler.
      • Norah
        • Origin:

          English, Arabic
        • Meaning:

          "woman of honor, light"
        • Description:

          The skyrocketing success of singer Norah Jones brought this spelling of the name onto the pop charts in 2003. As well as being a spelling variant of Nora in English, it's also an alternative transcription of the Arabic name Nura, from Nur/Noor "light".
      • Poppy
        • Origin:

          English from Latin
        • Meaning:

          "red flower"
        • Description:

          Poppy, unlike most floral names which are sweet and feminine, has a lot of spunk. Long popular throughout the rest of the English-speaking world, Poppy is finally starting to rise toward the top in the US, where it entered the Top 1000 for the first time in 2016.
      • Posey
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "a bunch of flowers"
        • Description:

          Posey is fashionable in England, a country of gardeners, but this pretty bouquet-of-flowers name is only starting to be heard here.
      • Quinn
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "descendant of Conn, chief leader, intelligence"
        • Description:

          Quinn is an engaging Celtic surname that is still on the rise for girls but beginning to flag for boys. As a female name, Quinn is in the Top 100, used for over 3000 baby girls last year, but toward the bottom of the Top 500 for boys, given to 700 baby boys.
      • Remy
        • Origin:

          French from Latin
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Remy is one of the hottest names today for both boys and girls, sometimes spelled Remi. . It entered the popularity list in 2009 and has quickly become one of the fastest-rising names on the list.