Feminizations of Male Names

  1. Marcella
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Marcella has been in mothballs for so long it's starting to feel stylish again. Depicted as the world's most beautiful woman in Don Quixote (where it's spelled Marcela), this long neglected name seemed dated for decades but just might be ready for restoration.
  2. Augusta
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Augustus
    • Meaning:

      "great, magnificent"
    • Description:

      Augusta is a dignified name reminiscent of wealthy great-aunts, but with the fashion for both August and Gus for boys, Augusta could get some fresh energy.
  3. Bernadette
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "brave as a bear"
    • Description:

      Although feminizations ending in "ette" are not particularly popular now, Bernadette is a pleasant, feminine, but strong name that doesn't feel prohibitively dated. And though strongly associated with the saint who saw visions of the Virgin Mary—Saint Bernadette of Lourdes—it is now no longer strictly inhabiting the Catholic diocese.
  4. Adriana
    • Origin:

      Latin, feminine variation of Adrian
    • Meaning:

      "man of Adria"
    • Description:

      This a-ending feminine form of Adrian, from the northern Italian city of Adria, is a soft and lovely Italian choice. It appears as a character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors.
  5. Henrietta
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Henry
    • Meaning:

      "estate ruler"
    • Description:

      Despite a return to such feminizations of male names as Josephine, Clementine, and Theodora, starchy Henrietta has not made it into that group. Still, if you look hard enough, you'll see that Henrietta has the same vintage charm.
  6. Apollonia
    • Origin:

      Greek, Feminine variation of Apollo, Greek sun god.
    • Description:

      This name of a third-century Christian martyr has an romantic, appealing feel in the modern world. It first came to American attention via Prince's love interest in the film Purple Rain.
  7. Yvette
    • Origin:

      French, feminine of Yves
    • Meaning:

      "yew tree"
    • Description:

      This French name has the elegance of other '-ette' names such as Colette and is a botanical name without being too obvious about it.
  8. Denise
    • Origin:

      French, feminine variation of Denis
    • Meaning:

      "god of Nysa"
    • Description:

      Denise was a French favorite of the fifties and sixties but is less chic now. In 2020 it broke back into the Top 1000 after a five-year hiatus, catapulted into style by reality TV star Denisse Novoa — but it dropped out again the following year.
  9. Michelle
    • Origin:

      French variation of Michael
    • Meaning:

      "who is like God"
    • Description:

      Michelle is the feminine form of Michel, the French variation of Michael. Michael was derived from the Hebrew name Mihka’el, meaning "who is like God." The alternate spelling Michele, with one "L," was the original version of the name. Michelle appeared as a later Anglicization in the 20th century.
  10. Antonia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from Antium"
    • Description:

      Antonia is stronger than most feminized boys’ names, reflecting the pioneer spirit of Willa Cather's classic novel My Antonia. Antonia is hovering near the bottom of the US popularity list, which may be an excellent reason for you to use it.
  11. Philippa
    • Origin:

      Greek, feminine variation of Philip
    • Meaning:

      "lover of horses"
    • Description:

      Philippa is a prime example of a boy's name adapted for girls that was common as crumpets in Cornwall, but rarely heard stateside. That was before the advent of royal sister-in-law Philippa Middleton, who goes by the lively nickname Pippa.
  12. Cornelia
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Cornelius, Latin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      In ancient Rome, Cornelia was considered the paragon of womanly virtue, making it a handsome name with an excellent pedigree. It's rare today, so if you want a name no one else is using, somewhat reminiscent of Amelia and the Shakespearean Cordelia, Cornelia should be on your list. Cornelia's short forms might include Cora, Nelia or Nell--anything but Corny.
  13. Stevie
    • Origin:

      Short form of Stephanie
    • Description:

      Stevie survives as a short form of Stephanie thanks to the immortal Ms. Nicks. After a little more than a decade out of the limelight, she rejoined the US Top 1000 in 2014.
  14. Gabrielle
    • Origin:

      French, feminine variation of Gabriel
    • Meaning:

      "God is my Strength"
    • Description:

      The quintessentially elegant and worldly Gabrielle -- designer Coco Chanel's real name -- is on its descent after years on the rise. Gabrielle was a hit in the 90s and early 2000s, peaking at number 46 in 1999. Popular nickname options include Gabby, Bri, and Brielle. Today Gabriella has taken over as the more popular version and still sits in the Top 100, while Gabrielle is soon to lose its spot in the Top 500. This follows a collective trend of "-a" ending version surpassing the more tailored versions, similar to how Daniela replaced Danielle.
  15. Zephyrine
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Zephyr, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "west wind"
    • Description:

      Zephyr may not be a name often heard in the U.S., but its variations are used throughout Europe. Zephyrine, a cousin in sound and feel if not in fact to such lovely names as Severine and Seraphina, has distinctive possibilities.
  16. Erica
    • Origin:

      Norse, feminine form of Eric
    • Meaning:

      "eternal ruler"
    • Description:

      The straightforward Erica is a Norse feminization that was long associated with the complex, mega-popular character Erica Kane, played by Susan Lucci for decades on the soap opera All My Children. Used in Scandinavia since the early eighteenth century, where it was usually spelled Erika, it was in the Top 50 girls' list in the USA in the 1970s and eighties.
  17. Gillian
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Julian
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Gillian is a name that was in common usage in Great Britain until the 1970s, when it dropped out of the Top 100 and is yet to return. Until recently, it had not crossed the Atlantic in significant numbers, except in the short form Jill.
  18. Christine
    • Origin:

      French variation of Christina
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Christine was the dominant feminine variation of Christopher forty or fifty years ago, when French E-endings were preferred over As; it was a Top 20 name for several years, from 1966 to 1974. But though it still hangs in on the popularity list, today most any other version would be considered more stylish, from Kristen to Kirsten to Christina herself.
  19. Junia
    • Origin:

      Latin, Feminine variation of Junius
    • Meaning:

      "born in June"
    • Description:

      Juno is hot, June is showing signs of a comeback along with other month and day names, whereas Junia, the name of the the first century Christian referred to by the apostle Paul as an apostle (and who may have been male), is yet to be discovered.
  20. Xiomara
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Guiomar, Spanish, Portuguese
    • Meaning:

      "famous in battle"
    • Description:

      The gorgeous and romantic name Xiomara popped into the Top 1000 from 2004-2011 after a contestant on America's Next Top Model increased interest in her rare name.