Why Virgos Are Expert Namers

Why Virgos Are Expert Namers

Virgo namers, you are experts at the task. Once you find out you're expecting, it's all systems go to find the perfect name. And we mean perfect (because you're not going to settle for anything less).

You approach the baby name process in the most practical way — determining your criteria first, and then comparing each name to your list of requirements. You love names that fit a pattern, and will work to find something that represents you and your partner.

Virgo Name Style

Virgo, you love names that are pragmatic and versatile. You tend to favor traditional names, especially if they have a meaningful connection to your or your partner's family.

Serious names with many nickname possibilties — such as Beatrice and August — may appeal to you, as they let your child choose from a variety of identities, be it Trixie or Bea or Auggie or Gus.

You're also drawn to international names with global use — like Zara, Raif, and Lucia — that connect to culture and ensure that wherever your child ends up, their name will serve them well.

About the Author

Sophie Kihm

Sophie Kihm

Sophie Kihm has been writing for Nameberry since 2015. She has contributed stories on the top 2020s names, Gen Z names, and cottagecore baby names. Sophie is Nameberry’s resident Name Guru to the Stars, where she suggests names for celebrity babies. She also manages the Nameberry Instagram and Pinterest.

Sophie Kihm's articles on names have run on People, Today, The Huffington Post, and more. She has been quoted as a name expert by The Washington Post, People, The Huffington Post, and more. You can follow her personally on Instagram or Pinterest, or contact her at sophie@nameberry.com. Sophie lives in Chicago.