How to Make Classic Boy Names Unique

How to Make Classic Boy Names Unique

Classic boy names are wonderful except for the fact that they’re so common. Yes, there have been many august Williams; sure, it’s a name resonant on your family tree; except, there are thousands (11,282, to be exact) of baby Williams out there.

But among the wonderful qualities of classic boy names is that they often come in many different variations. So if William is too popular for your taste, you can go down the line and find several other Wil– names that are more rare.

We did just that with ten of the most classic boy names widely used today. Here, five variations of each and how many baby boys received each name in the most recent year counted.


James — 12,028

Jameson — 4050

Jamir — 555

Jamie — 447

Jamal — 201


William — 11,282

Wilson — 386

Willis — 44

Wilfred — 24

Wilkes — 17


Benjamin — 10,842

Bennett — 4082

Benson — 426

Benedict — 233

Benaiah — 130


Alexander — 8673

Alex — 1995

Alexis — 664

Alec — 346

Alexandre — 52


David — 7741

Davis — 437

Davon — 108

Davi — 139

Davidson — 33


Thomas — 6465

Tommy — 354

Tomas — 382

Thompson — 51

Toma — 24


Charles — 5889

Charlie — 2098

Charleston — 43

Carlton — 37

Carlson — <5


Andrew — 5124

Andres — 1824

Anderson — 994

Ander — 513

Anders — 280


Robert — 4051

Roberto — 607

Robin — 316

Robbie — 64

Robinson — 29


Edward — 1736

Edwin — 914

Edgar — 769

Edison — 346

Edmund — 166

About the Author

Pamela Redmond

Pamela Redmond

Pamela Redmond is the cocreator and CEO of Nameberry and Baby Name DNA. The coauthor of ten groundbreaking books on names, Redmond is an internationally-recognized baby name expert, quoted and published widely in such media outlets as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Today Show, CNN, and the BBC. She has written about baby names for The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, and People.

Redmond is also a New York Times bestselling novelist whose books include Younger, the basis for the hit television show, and its sequel, Older. She has three new books in the works.