November Babyberries: Jubilee, Elowen & Elowen

November Babyberries: Jubilee, Elowen & Elowen

By Linda Rosenkrantz

There was a wide variety in the babyberry November baby name choices of the past month, from classics like Arthur and Alfred and Louisa to the adventurous Sequoia, Arrow and Jubilee. And there were some especially captivating name stories, such as those behind Scout (another shout-out to To Kill a Mockingbird),  Arthur Genki, and Fawn, as well as the many cool first and middle combos and sibsets we’ve come to expect.

The one repeated name this month is the lovely Cornish appellation Elowen—as in Elowen Claire and Elowen Pearl.

A record four sets of twins was comprised of  two girl-girl and two girl-boys:

Aida Alexandra & Bastian Nilo

Eliza Clementine & Clara Margot

Elowen Claire & Fawn Rosalind

Marley Indigo & Kiefer Bentley

And now here’s the complete list of reported November births:


Aida Alexandra, twin sister of Bastian Nilo

Aurora Maeve

“Our baby girl arrived at dawn and has an ethereal beauty which fits her name perfectly.”

Clara Margot, twin of Eliza Clementine and sister of Ash Magnus and Rose Beatrix

Clementine Beatrice, sister of Josephine, Genevieve, Rosemarie and Augustin

Edie Scout, sister of Felix Elliot

Scout is in honour of my big sister Louise Jean, who herself was named after Jean LouiseScoutFinch but in reverse.”

Eliza Clementine, twin of Clara Margot and sister of Ash Magnus and Rose Beatrix

Elowen Claire, twin sister of Fawn Rosalind and sister of Henry David.

“I LOVED the name Ellie. My husband wouldn’t consider using a nickname as a first or middle though. So I went on a mission to find a name that wasn’t Elizabeth, Eleanor, Eliza, Ella, etc…My husband wasn’t sold on Elowen though, and it didn’t make the cut in our girl name option for our first pregnancy. So imagine my surprise when he told me that I could use it…since he works with trees, I think he like that it also means Elm.”

Elowen Pearl, sister of Kai Daniel and Arlo Keaton

Fawn Rosalind, twin sister of Elowen Claire, sister of Henry David

“The name Fawn was decided years before my husband and I got married. In fact, he whipped that name out in the first few months of us dating, and I wasn’t keen on it. But after we started camping and going on hikes together, he talked about what he pictured a little girl named Fawn being like. After his description, I fell in love with the name too. We wanted strong, normal, yet not too common middle names for them in case they didn’t like their first names. My husband chose Rosalind after reading it in a novel during my pregnancy.”

Francine Grace

Greta Amelia Genevieve, sister of Scarlett Morgan, Pheniox Gray, Jordan Zoe and Helena Olivia Charlotte

Heidi, sister of Nila

Imogen Cecile, sister of Sabrina Clare and Gwendolen Mabry

Isla Mae

Jubilee Emmeline, sister of Julia and Hannah

Jubilee was decided because it is my great-grandmother’s name.  Emmeline is my husband’s mother’s name.  Jubilee doesn’t go perfectly with sisters Julia and Hannah, but I still love the name.

Karla Ebony, sister of Kendall Emilia, Kyle Evan, Kalani Elizabeth and Khloe Elle

Louisa Margaret, sister of Adelaide Charlotte

We will call her Louisa and Lulu.”

Luna Camille

Marley Indigo, twin of Kiefer Bentley and sister of Winona Opal, Hartley Jane and Teresa May

Mila Rosemary

Rhea Celine, sister of Thiago Stefan

“Her first name we chose for her a name I have loved ever since I found it while writing an essay during high school.”

Rosalie Gabrielle

Our only hesitation in using (Rosalie) is that my mother’s name is Rosemary and goes by “Rosie” to many and I was worried about name confusion. We are calling her Rosalie and occasionally “Rosie” or “Rosebud.” No confusion so far! Rosalie was also the name of her great-grandmother on my side and her great-aunt on my husband’s side. Now I cherish all the family connections! I love the meaning of her middle name, Gabrielle: “God is my strength” and the association with Gabriel the archangel since her father also carries the name of an archangel: Michael.

Vanessa Mariska, sister of Parker Scott

Violet Francesca, sister of Phoebe Grace

Wilhelmina Kate (nn Willa), sister of August Henry


Alfred Fox, brother of Oskar Thomas

Alfred is just a name we both liked that worked well in both English and German, and Fox is the English version of my German maiden name.”

Arrow Benjamin Craig

Arthur Genki

Arthur was chosen because of my love and sentiment for anything from days past. Also around the time I found out I was pregnant, there were many Bear references coming up for me, and Arthur means ‘man like a bear’…As Arthur is half Japanese (Dad), we decided t choose a Japanese middle. A Japanese name can have a variety of meanings depending on which Kanji (characters) you use, so it’s fun to create your own meanings to a name sound you like. The character Gen…means a bow string…, this was chosen as a reference to my maiden name—Murdoch, whose history dates back to some famous archers in Scotland. Also when Arthur would hear ‘Gen’ being spoken, he went wild in my tummy every time, so couldn’t say no to that!

Bastian Nilo, twin brother of Aida Alexandra

Casper Dennis Vaughn

Elias Robert

It’s the Greek form of Elijah, so has biblical roots (we are both United Methodist pastors) and I like that the full name is a little different, but has a very mainstream nn (Eli) if that’s what Elias chooses later.”

Frederic Leo (Freddy), brother of Sadie, Rose, Clara and Elsie

Henry Everett, brother of Samuel Edward

Early on we loved the name Henry, but were torn on the perfect middle name. When we met this little boy, we were impressed with his incredible strength for a newborn, and Everett was the perfect match. It also gives both of my sons ‘E’ middle names to match their father.”

Jacob Emmanuel, brother of Aaron

Kiefer Bentley, twin of Marley Indigo and brother of Winona Opal, Hartley Jane and Teresa May

Samson Gabriel, brother of Penelope Jane, Lucia Grace and Abram Vincent

Sequoia Orion

Teller Duncan Shepherd, brother of Everett Charles and Nash Douglas

Thatcher Owen

Have a favorite first and middle combo?  Sibset?

About the Author

Linda Rosenkrantz

Linda Rosenkrantz

Linda Rosenkrantz is the co-founder of Nameberry, and co-author with Pamela Redmond of the ten baby naming books acknowledged to have revolutionized American baby naming. You can follow her personally at InstagramTwitter and Facebook. She is also the author of the highly acclaimed New York Review Books Classics novel Talk and a number of other books.