Meanings of Names: Ever hear of Homophony?

Meanings of Names: Ever hear of Homophony?

By K. M. Sheard, of NookofNames

There’s an old method of naming first recorded in use in the Old Testament.

It’s called homophony, and basically is the principle of choosing a name because it sounds like something which the bestower wants to commemorate. Or, putting it another way, the choice of name was inspired by something, which, in most cases is entirely unrelated to the name.

It works in all languages; amongst the Biblical Hebrews, for instance, there was a period when names which had become long-established were chosen because of their resemblance to a word or words which suggested themselves during pregnancy or labor.

This is partly why the meaning of so many Biblical names have gotten so muddled. It’s common in the OT for the mother to make some explanation as to why she’s naming a newborn such-and-such, and this explanation was often interpreted in the past as being the meaning of the name, when, in many cases, it’s actually homophony going on.

Take Eve for instance  — transliterated from the Hebrew as Chawwah (Chava or Hava in Modern Hebrew) Eve is always universally glossed as meaning “life.” But the Hebrew word for “life” isn’t chawwah. The word for “to breathe” is chawah, related to the verb “to live” chayah.  That the name Chawwah had been linked with chayah since at least the time the Old Testament was first written down is clear from an unambiguous line in Genesis:

Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.”

The truth of the matter is what the real origin of Chawwah was is unknown. A root from which it might have come has not survived in Hebrew, but there is a contender in Arabic meaning “to gather.” The point is that Eve demonstrates the use of homophony in the selection a name right from the start of the OT.

So for those wanting to honor someone or something in some way, while still using a “traditional” or “established” name, homophony opens up a whole host of options, especially if you don’t stick to just English to aid your search.

Meanwhile, between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries  in Ireland and Scotland, it became common for native names in Irish and Gaelic to be “translated” into English by adopting “English” names which resembled the native name — another example of homophony in use in the world of names.

So, for instance, Gráinne became GraceLorcán became LaurenceMór became Mary, Tadhg became Terrence and Aoife became Eva and Eve.

The fact that the names had nothing whatsoever in common except for the fact they sounded a bit similar was not remotely relevant — homophony can be applied to foreign words with a particular meaning as well as English words to produce a glittering onomasticon of options on one chosen theme…

Here are just some of the traditional/established names which leap out from the suggestions made there, using words with stormy meanings:

Inspired direct from the English:


Blow: Bláth

Bolt: Baldwin

Cyclone: Cecilia, Cecil, Clymene

Deluge: Delia, Delilah

Flurry: Florence

Gust: Augustus, Augusta

Lightning: Lena

Monsoon: Melisande, Melusina, Monica

Rain: René, Renée

Sleet: Sláine

Squall: Paul, Saul

Surge: Sergey

Tempest: Tempe, Temperence

Tornado: Orlando, Rinaldo

Torrent: Terrence, Terry, Torquil

Typhoon: Tiffany

Inspired by stormy-meaning words in other languages:

Aëlla: EllaEllie

Aëma: Amy, Amias

Angin: Angela

Asterope: Esther

Audra: Audrey

Aura: Aurelia

Bö: Bo, Beau

Boreas: Boris

Broche: Brooke

Bronte: Bronwen, Brenda, Brendan

Chimon: Kim

Chion: Chloe

Corwynt: Cora

Dilyw: Dilys

Elur: Elinor

Euri: Yuri

Grad: Grady

Guntur: Günther

Gwyn: Gwyn, Gwynn

Haize: Hazel

Helicias: Alice, Elias

Hyeteria: Hypatia

Lailaps: Laila

Lauso: Laurence

Lietus: Lita

Lluvia: Louisa

Löök: Luke, Lucy

Lyn: Lynne

Molinya: Molly

Mvua: Mia, Maya, Maia

NeveNieve: Niamh, Nevaeh

Nix: Knox

Ondée: India

Pagi: Peggy

Petir: Peter

Pluie: Polly

Prester: Preston

Procella: Priscilla

Radi: Rudy

Rafal, Rafale: Raphael, Raphaella

Rahe: Ray

Rhyax: Rhys

Sade: Sadie

Salama: Salome

Szél: Saul, Sally

Taran: Terrence

Thyella: Floella

Topan: Toby, Tobias

Trono: Trent, Trenton

Trovão: Trevor

Tuono: Tom, Tony

Tuule, Tuuli: Tallulah, Twila

Tymestl: Thomas

Umeme: Uma

Uragan: Reagan, Regan

Vánice: Vanessa, Venetia

Vetra: Vera

Villám: William

Xita: Zita


So if you’re stuck for a name — why not play around with homophony? You might be amazed what you come up with, and you will be participating in a method of naming that’s been practised for at least two and a half thousand years.

This blog appeared previously on the author’s website.

A graduate of the University of Cambridge, K. M. Sheard is the author of the encyclopedic reference Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Names, and writes  Nook of Names, a blog on all things onomastic.

About the Author

Nook of Names

Nook of Names

A graduate of the University of Cambridge, the late K. M. Sheard was the author of the encyclopedic reference Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Names, and wrote Nook of Names, a blog on all things onomastic.