Latest Babyberry Names Celebrate Life
April’s brilliant Babyberry names are in!
We always love collating the names of Nameberry’s newest arrivals for these monthly round-ups, but lately they’ve really provided a welcome shot of hope, joy and life in these troubling times.
Several of the names chosen in April reflect that sense of endurance and optimism – from Liv (meaning “life”) to Callum (“dove”).
Others just seem meant to be, like Meredith Umeko’s sweetly significant name, or the gorgeous duo of Horatio Felix and Anastasio Raz, brought together by adoption.
Our warmest congratulations to all of the proud new parents!
Girl Names
Edith Josephine, sister to Grace Katherine and Maxwell George
“For our last child, we wanted to choose two names we absolutely loved (so there are no honour names here). The name had to go with the other kids’ names and be classic, streamlined and beautiful. I think we nailed it! I am beyond happy with the name. It gives me a thrill to see it written down. She will also go by the nickname Edie or EJ.”
“My own name is Elizabeth and I’m the fourth in my family so I felt under a little pressure to carry it on. I’m Liz, my mother is Lilian, my grandmother was Lily and my great grandmother was just Elizabeth. We decided to use Lilian instead of Elizabeth as I wanted to honour my mother without honouring me or anyone else. It feels important to me that she’s specifically named after my mom.”
Jenna Catherine, sister to Natalie Laurina and Alyssa Elaine
“We have a bit of a tough time deciding on girl names, but wanted a name that went nicely with big sisters. Jenna was my husband’s pick, and it took a while for me to be sold on it; thanks to the Berries that helped convince me! It suits her perfectly! Her middle name is after my wonderful mother.”
“We hesitated with Esmée for a few days, but Liv had a lot of meanings to us. First of all, the name means “life”. Liv is our rainbow baby and our little flower arrived right when nature comes back to life. It also means “protection” and we thought that was a beautiful message of hope, as she was born during the coronavirus pandemic. Her name will always remind us to stay positive, strong and to keep going no matter what.”
Margot Genevieve, sister to Violet Paulina
“Gemma and Tessa were some other names we very much considered, Tessa in particular, but Margot won out in the end. Genevieve is after my husband’s aunt who’s been extremely supportive and important in his life, especially the last few years since we fell pregnant with V.”
“Umeko, meaning plum blossom child in Japanese, is to connect her to the nickname Plum my husband bestowed on me when we were first friends. Meredith honors a friend and teacher from my husband’s youth, and I was in love with the name Merry, so naming her was a breeze.”
Rosie Lucia, sister to Max Giancarlo, Finn Alessandro and Gus Matteo
“We were debating Rosie or Rose and nicknaming her Rosie, but we she came Rosie just felt right.”
“We thought about Iris or Alma but now she’s here we can definitely tell she’s a Thea. Florence was the name of my SO’s great-grandma who passed away a couple of years ago. She was a very sweet woman and she always wanted to have a girl named after her so it feels good that her name lives on with our daughter. Maria is both mine and my mum’s middle name, so I thought it would be a nice touch to let my baby girl have it as well.”
Boy Names
Anastasio Raz, brother to Horatio Felix
“His birthmother chose his first name and his birth aunt chose his middle name. Names mean so much to me as a name nerd, but I couldn’t presume that they wouldn’t mean just as much to someone else, so we decided a long time ago that we would keep the name a birthmother had chosen if she had one for her child.”
Callum William, brother to Nell
“We went into delivery with three names – Callum, Ross, and Reed. I thought the week before that certainly we’d likely pick Reed. As soon as we both saw his face we knew he looked like Callum. We loved that the meaning of Callum is dove. He’s our symbol of peace during these crazy times in the world.”
“We almost named him Dean but changed it around to Dane a few days before he was born.”
Dylan Olivier, twin of Jack Leon and brother to Casey Tobias
“We spent over 4 years trying to conceive. And finally… the boy is here! Guess what, I’ve always dreamt of naming my son Flynn. I so love that name.”
Jack Leon, twin of Dylan Olivier and brother to Casey Tobias
Leander Prescott, brother to Azalea
“Azalea is actually the one who picked out his name in the end, after attempting to convince us that he really should be called Buzz Lightyear because it’s “cooler”, she went with Leander! Nowadays we mostly call him Leo and it fits him so well.”
Paxton Bailey, brother to Tayden Connor
“We decided to go with Paxton because we loved it and we thought it went nicely with his big brother’s name.”
“We’ve been calling him T-Rex as a nickname. We love his name and we’re so happy that we decided to go with it!”
“We call him Rocky sometimes, and he’s such a happy little guy. I want to thank everyone who helped us out finding his name, especially @oliviasarah who first suggested the name Rocket to us.”
Tillman Shepherd, brother to Grady Blake and Truett Boone
“Tillman is a name we just like – no family significance. Shepherd is a name we had on the list for our second son, but didn’t end up using. Tillman’s due date was Easter, and he was born on Good Friday so Shepherd seemed to be the best fit.”
Timothy Pierce, brother to George Dominick and James Cody
“Timmy is doing well and he’s so loved by his big brothers already!”
“We had previously agreed that his middle name would be Cove, since I’d championed the name for years. But with the arrival of Covid-19, my husband could not get past the association. In the hospital, with the birth certificate paperwork in hand, we spent hours making the last minute decision to give baby boy the same middle name as his father: Rhys – meaning ardor, passionate and fiery.”
Fantastic names all round!
If you’d like to submit your own birth announcement, you can do so over on the new Nameberry Forums. We love hearing the names you chose, and especially the meanings behind them.