Did Your Family Pressure You Over Names?
It’s one of the biggest problems parents-to-be complain about on the Nameberry forums: family pressure over the choice of a name.
Grandparents want the baby to be Leonard Roger III. Great-Aunt Matilda always wanted a little girl named Matilda.
If not promoting their own or other relatives’ names, family members might just exercise what they see as their right to voice strong, uh, opinions about names. Ugh, you can’t name your son Felix: That’s a cat’s name!
Every time you see them, they push their choices — Kaylee! Kenneth! — and reject yours.
Have you gotten pressure from your family over baby names? What kind? How did you deal with it? How did it make you feel?
Or was your family blessedly pressure-free on the topic of names? Or maybe you even tried to talk about names with them, and they weren’t interested?
Let’s discuss all sides of the issue of family pressure and baby names.