Girl Names Ending in T
The most popular girls' name ending in T is Scarlett, thanks more to actress Scarlett Johansson than to Gone With the Wind.
Along with Scarlett, other girl names ending with T in the US Top 1000 include Violet, Juliet, Margaret, Margot, Elliott, and Bridget.
In England, the top T-ending name for girls is Violet, while in France it's Margot -- though of course the final T is not pronounced. In Sweden, Rut, a variation of Ruth, is the most popular girl name ending in the letter T.
Then of course there are those names that don't technically end with T but with the T sound: Charlotte, Juliette, Celeste, Kate.
Unique T ending names for girls that we recommend include Britt, Dot, Frost, Harriet, Kit, Millicent, Scout, and Witt.
A T ending works well if your surname starts with a vowel or with a consonant that sounds distinctly different from T, such as K or S. T endings are more difficult with last names that start with D or T.
Here are all our girls' names ending with the letter T, ranked by their current popularity on Nameberry.
- Violet
English from LatinMeaning:
Violet is soft and sweet, yet with a vivacious edge. Today, Violet is the top flower name for girls, outranking Lily and Iris in the Top 100, and the second most popular color name for girls after Scarlett.
- Margot
French, diminutive of MargaretMeaning:
Margot is suddenly a star again. After a nearly-half century absence, it hopped back on the Top 1000 list in 2013 and is on the rise. The Margot spelling is now given to three times as many baby girls as the Margo one.
- Margaret
Margaret is derived from the French Marguerite, which in turn came from Margarita, the Latin form of the Greek Margarites. Margarites was based on the Old Persian word margārīta, meaning "pearl."
- Juliet
English from LatinMeaning:
"youthful or sky father"Description:
One of the most romantic names, the lovely and stylish Juliet seems finally to have shaken off her limiting link to Romeo. In Shakespeare's play, it was Juliet who said "What's in a name?"
- Scarlett
"scarlet, red"Description:
Scarlett Johansson is doing more for this sparky southern name than Scarlett O'Hara ever did. Since the turn of the 21st century, Scarlett has gone from an obscure literary name to one of the most popular girls' names starting with S, right after longtime favorites Sophia and Sofia.
- Harriet
English variation of French HenrietteMeaning:
"estate ruler"Description:
Harriet has long been considered a stylish, upscale name in England, but it's still waiting to be revived in the US—though some parents seeking a solid, serious semi-classic are beginning to consider it.
- Bridget
Anglicized variation of Gaelic BrighidMeaning:
"strength or exalted one"Description:
Bridget is the Anglicized form of Brigid, an Irish-Gaelic name that was derived from the word brígh, which means "strength."
- Kit
English diminutive of Katherine, GreekMeaning:
Kit is a crisp, old-time nickname with plenty of spirit and style. In the UK it's a rising star for boys, while in the US, it is trending upwards for girls too.
- Lilibet
Nickname of Elizabeth, HebrewMeaning:
"pledged to God"Description:
Lilibet is the fanciful short form of Elizabeth first noted as the childhood nickname of Britain's queen and now made contemporary as the name of the newborn daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex — aka Harry and Meghan. The nickname Lilibet originally derived from Elizabeth II's first pronunciation of her own name.
- Scout
Word nameMeaning:
"one who gathers information covertly"Description:
Scout, a character nickname from To Kill a Mockingbird (her real name was Jean Louise), became a real-life possibility when Bruce Willis and Demi Moore used it for their now-grown middle daughter, followed by Tom Berenger a few years later.
- Merritt
English surname nameMeaning:
"boundary gate"Description:
Merritt has a long and distinguished history as a surname; the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut and the Merritt Building testify to that. But it wasn't until Emmy-winning actress Merritt Wever came along that we gave it much thought as a girls' name. And we aren't alone. It's grown tremendously in popularity since the premiere of Nurse Jackie, in which Wever played a key role. More than 100 baby girls a year are now named Merritt in the U.S.
- Millicent
"strong in work"Description:
Combining the mild and the innocent, this sweet and feminine name is worthy of a comeback, in the mode of Madeline and Cecilia. Its original, also attractive form is Melisende, which came from Germany to France and was borne by a daughter of Charlemagne.
- Amethyst
Gem and Color nameDescription:
As flower names become more unique, so can gem names move beyond Ruby and Pearl to names like Topaz, Sapphire, and Peridot. Amethyst, the purple birthstone for February, has never been in the Top 1000, but could have some appeal, joining similarly-hued Violet and Lilac, all of which make great names for Aquarius babies or names for February babies.
- Bennett
English, medieval form of BenedictMeaning:
Bennett, with its 'ett' ending, has a softer, more feminine feel compared to other Ben- names, making it a choice for parents of baby girls. The trend of using traditionally boy names for girls continues to grow, with Bennett gaining popularity in recent years. Alternate spellings include Bennette and Bennet.
- Elliot
Anglicization of Elijah or EliasMeaning:
"Jehovah is God"Description:
Elliot is another traditional boy name used for girls", a trend led by political commentator George Stephanopoulos and his actress wife Ali Wentworth.
- Wyatt
English surnameMeaning:
"brave in war"Description:
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher named their daughter Wyatt in 2014, making it a viable option for girls. It hasn’t gained widespread traction though — at most it has been given to 107 baby girls in a single year.
- Pipit
"bird name"Description:
The name of a small songbird, similar to a Lark – but far less commonly used as a name. Could give you the adorable nickname Pip.
- Janet
Diminutive of JaneMeaning:
"God is gracious"Description:
Janet started as a pet form of Jane but has long been used independently. Jane is a feminine form of John, which derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan. Janet can also be considered a variation of Jeannette, a derivative of Joan and another feminization of the name John.
- August
"majestic, venerable"Description:
Though associated traditionally (and fashionably) with boys, it has been used occasionally for girls as well – by Garth Brooks, Nicolas Cage, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, for example. But August is used significantly more often for girls these days than traditional feminine variations Augusta and Augustina, and makes for a fresh twist on traditional month names like April and May, as well as an updated spin on season name Autumn.
- Winslet
English surname and place-nameMeaning:
"Wynn's channel or stream"Description:
Winslet is one of a legion of surnames newly considered fair game as first names. The inspiration may be British star Kate, but she's not the only reason parents are attracted to Winslet, one of those British girl names that sounds at once classy and winning. Yet be warned that if you choose this, people will forever assume you are major fans of the actress. Other Win- beginning names up for new consideration: Winslow, Winston, Wynton, Winifred and Winnie, along with just plain Win or Wyn or Wynn.