Names Ending in -ica for Girls
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About a third of baby girl names today end in the letter a, and there's a subgroup of these that end in ica.
The top girl name ending in the letters -ica is still Jessica. Along with Jessica, girl names ending in ica and ranking in the US Top 1000 include Monica, Veronica, Angelica, Erica, and Danica.
If you're looking for multisyllabic names for baby girls that end in ica, here is our full selection. The top names below rank among the current US Top 1000 Baby Names and are ordered by popularity. Unique names rank below the Top 1000 and are listed alphabetically.
The top girl name ending in the letters -ica is still Jessica. Along with Jessica, girl names ending in ica and ranking in the US Top 1000 include Monica, Veronica, Angelica, Erica, and Danica.
If you're looking for multisyllabic names for baby girls that end in ica, here is our full selection. The top names below rank among the current US Top 1000 Baby Names and are ordered by popularity. Unique names rank below the Top 1000 and are listed alphabetically.
- Veronica
"she who brings victory; true image"Description:
The name Veronica projects a triple-threat image: at once saintly, sensuous, and strong. The name derives from Berenice, the Latin form of the Greek name Berenike "she who brings victory", with the spelling influenced by the Latin phrase vera icon "true image". Veronica was the name of the compassionate woman who wiped Jesus's face when he was on his way to Calvary and whose cloth was miraculously imprinted with his image: she is now the patron saint of photographers.
- Jessica
"behold or wealthy"Description:
When Jennifer finally gave up her Number 1 place on the girls' popularity list, her crown was passed to Jessica, who reigned for not one but two decades. Jessica was the Number 1 name in both the mid-1980s and 1990s, never sounding quite as trendy as its predecessor, maybe because of its classic Shakespearean pedigree.
- Angelica
Italian, Polish, Russian diminutive of AngelaMeaning:
"angel or angelic"Description:
Angelica is by far the choicest form of the angelic names -- more delicate than Angelina, more feminine than Angel, more modern than Angela. But though Angelica is so lacy and poetic, it lags behind the bolder Angelina (probably for obvious reasons).
- Erica
Norse, feminine form of EricMeaning:
"eternal ruler"Description:
The straightforward Erica is a Norse feminization that was long associated with the complex, mega-popular character Erica Kane, played by Susan Lucci for decades on the soap opera All My Children. Used in Scandinavia since the early eighteenth century, where it was usually spelled Erika, it was in the Top 50 girls' list in the USA in the 1970s and eighties.
- Danica
"morning star"Description:
While Danica may sound similar to Dana, Danielle, and Daniela, Danica is not a variation. Danica, a delicate and unique Slavic name meaning "Morning Star," is synonymous with Venus in many countries.
- Monica
This saintly name--she was the mother of St. Augustine--plummeted after the double whammy of Lewinsky and the demise of Friends.
- Frederica
Feminine variation of FrederickMeaning:
"peaceful ruler,"Description:
Frederica is an interesting possibility for the parent unintimidated by its old-fashioned formality, and who can appreciate the vintage charm and verve lurking inside its stuffiness.
- Ludovica
Italian, feminine variation of LudovicMeaning:
"famous in war"Description:
This Olde World name with a large measure of European style makes an offbeat possibility for the bold baby namer in search of interesting Italian names for girls. Currently very popular in its native Italy, Ludovica is an unusual path to all the great Lu nicknames, like Lulu and Lula.
- America
Given to children of both sexes as far back as colonial times, this carries a lot of baggage. However, parents continue to take the risk. Actress America Ferrera may be have inspired some families to choose the name. Ferrera's Honduras-born mother shares her unusual name.
- Nica
Short form of Veronica, LatinMeaning:
"true image"Description:
More often spelled Nika, this is a well-used diminutive for the Eastern European Veronika, and there's no reason that the same principle can't apply in the West. It makes a venerated saint's name sound fresh and cute.
- Indica
"of India"Description:
The calming variety of marijuana, used as a baby name every year since 1992.
- Dominica
Italian, feminine variation of DominicMeaning:
"belonging to the Lord"Description:
Fashionably Continental and much fresher than Dominique, though it's been used since the Middle Ages. Dominica can be spelled any number of ways, from Dominika to Domenica, but we prefer this version.
- Amica
"female friend"Description:
Amica is a word meaning girlfriend that is not often used as a name in Italy, but it would sound pretty and name-like elsewhere.
- Scholastica
The 6th-century Saint Scholastica was an Benedictine abbess, and is the patron saint of education. In modern times, her name has been connected to various educational institutions. This clunky name probably works best on groups rather than people.
- Vivica
Spelling variation of VivecaDescription:
The attractive actress Vivica A. Fox has done a lot to add this version of the name into the mix.
- Mica
A flinty mineral name that puts a feminine spin on Micah, or short form of the biblical Michal.
- Federica
Italian, feminine variation of FrederickMeaning:
"peaceful ruler"Description:
Federica is the Latin version of Frederica, one of those formerly stuffy female names -- think Josephine and Eleanor -- that feels fresh and elegant again. And Federica has more energy without that first r.
- Antarctica
Latin from GreekMeaning:
"opposite the north"Description:
Ed Sheeran put this continental place name on the map when he used it as the middle name for his daughter Lyra, born in 2020.
- Janica
Variation of JannikMeaning:
"God is gracious"Description:
With its upbeat Slavic/Scandinavian air, it has the most potential of all the Jan names.
- Africa
Place name, various meaningsDescription:
Most Africas today would be named for the continent, but the name actually existed in Scotland in medieval times, where there was a Celtic queen named Affrica. Africa has also been a Spanish name for girls since 1421. The church of the Virgin "Nuestra Senora de Africa" is in Ceuta, the Spanish city she is Patron of, in North Africa.