
Greek, place name, meaning unknown

Thessaly Origin and Meaning

The name Thessaly is a girl's name .

The name of an area in northern Greece, known in the era of Homer's Odyssey as Aeolia, Thessaly makes a spirited and pretty place name. Reminiscent of Tessa, Rosalie, and Thea, the name likely derives from that of an ancient tribe, though the exact meaning isn't known.

Borne by American actress Thessaly Lerner, and a character in the graphic novel Sandman, Thessaly is given to small handful of girls in the US each year.

Thessaly Popularity

Famous People Named Thessaly

  • Thessaly La Force
    US writer

Thessaly in Pop Culture

  • Alexander the Great had a half
    sister named Thessalonike, meaning 'Victory (Nike) in Thessaly'. She married the Greek military leader Cassander, and the city of Thessalonica, capital of Macedonia, was named in her honor.
  • Legends of Thessalian witches developed during the Classical Greece period. According to many sources
    Thessaly was notorious for being a haven for witches, and "folklore about the region has persisted with tales of witches, drugs, poisons and magical spells ever since the Roman period."

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