
Spelling variation of Emerson,

Emersyn Origin and Meaning

The name Emersyn is a girl's name .

Parents of female Emersyns will say this Emerson variation's Y makes it more feminine -- and to some extent, it does. This, combined with the trendy Y, have flagged this name as on-the-rise. "Em" names have been hot for girls in recent years, from the classic Emma, Emily, and Emilia to the modern Emery and Ember — and both Emerson and Emersyn are no exception. Emersyn entered the charts in 2019 and has been rising since, all the way up to the Top 200.

# 146 in the US

Emersyn Rank in US Top 1000

# 2207 on Nameberry

Emersyn Rank in Nameberry Top 1000

Emersyn Popularity

Famous People Named Emersyn

  • Emersyn (b. 2013)
    daughter of soccer player Chris Wondolowski

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