
Medieval short form of Jordan
"flowing down"

Judd Origin and Meaning

The name Judd is a boy's name meaning "flowing down".

Judd is a strong but sensitive short form that can easily stand on its own, the second 'd' giving it a lot more substance, and it would also be a good middle name choice. Two recent actors have given it credence--Judd Nelson and Judd Hirsch, and now it's most noticeably represented by comedy director Judd Apatow.

Judd is a fairly prevalent surname, represented by the family of Naomi, Wynonna and Ashley, and the minimalist artist Donald Judd.

# 945 in the US

Judd Rank in US Top 1000

# 1762 on Nameberry

Judd Rank in Nameberry Top 1000

Judd Popularity

Famous People Named Judd

  • Judd Apatow
    American film director/producer/screenwriter
  • Judd Asher Nelson
    American actor
  • Judd Seymore Hirsch
    American actor
  • Judd Alan Gregg
    U.S. Senator and 76th Governor of New Hampshire
  • Judd Winick
    American cartoonist and former "Real World" cast member
  • Judd Bernard (born Sherman Bernard Goldberg)
    American film producer
  • Judd Trump
    English pro snooker player
  • Harry Judd
    English drummer for band McFly
  • Donald Judd
    American sculptor

Judd in Pop Culture

  • Judd Travers
    character in "Shiloh" by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
  • Judd
    a cat character from the video game "Splatoon"

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