
Dutch place-name

Holland Origin and Meaning

The name Holland is a boy's name of Dutch origin.

Holland, like most place names, is gender neutral. There's about one boy Holland born in the US these days for every girl Holland.

Holland ranked among the Top 1000 boy names in the US around the turn of the 20th century, and a hundred years later, entered the Top 1000 for girls.

# 980 in the US

Holland Rank in US Top 1000

# 1487 on Nameberry

Holland Rank in Nameberry Top 1000

Holland Popularity

Famous People Named Holland

  • Holland Cotter
    American art critic
  • Holland Sackett Duell
    New York state assemblyman
  • Rodolphus Holland Duell
    New York congressman
  • Charles Holland Duell
    U.S. federal judge
  • Springer Holland Cate (b. 2005)
    brother of American actor/musician Field Cate
  • Holland
    Dozier,Holland, Motown songwriting team
  • Holland
    first openly gay South Korean pop star
  • Tom Holland
    British actor

Holland in Pop Culture

  • Holland Knox
    character on TV's "Reckless"
  • Glenn Holland
    character in 1995 film "Mr. Holland's Opus"
  • Holland Perry
    character in 1972 film "The Other"
  • Holland
    aka The Netherlands
  • Holland
    Michigan, USA
  • Holland Tunnel
    New York City
  • "Holland
    1945," song by Neutral Milk Hotel