Pisces: Naming a Baby With a Virgo Partner

Pisces, you and Virgo are as different as they come, but with a little compromise on both sides, can be great partners for naming a child.

You are receptive to any and all names that cross your path, while Virgo prefers to set criteria from the beginning. You can teach your partner to be more open to names that may fall short of their rules, and they can teach you about the wisdom of their baby name spreadsheet.

You and your Virgo partner are generally good communicators, although you may be thrown off by their stringent attachment to the rules. Use your signature Pisces empathy to understand the reasoning behind Virgo’s preferences, which will make you more willing to collaborate.

While you are happy to let your partner do most of the dirty work of researching names, make sure you feel like you are a part of the process. Virgo has a strong mind for fairness and will do their best to make sure you are equally represented in the name, but only if you speak up about your values from the start.

Celebrity Pisces & Virgo Namers

Benji Madden & Cameron Diaz: Raddix Chloe Wildflower

Teresa Palmer & Mark Webber: Bodhi Rain, Forest Sage, Poet Lake (f), & Prairie Moon

Joel Madden & Nicole Richie: Harlow Winter Kate & Sparrow James Midnight

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