Libra: Naming a Baby With a Capricorn Partner

Libra, your appreciation for diplomatic charm will join Capricorn’s sense of prestige to find a stately and beautiful name.

Capricorn may assume they call all the shots in this process, mistaking your attuned agreeability for lack of focus. Gently remind them that you know exactly what you are doing and that the balance you seek is as important as the leadership qualities Capricorn wants in a name. You can soften Capricorn’s intense approach, reminding them that power comes in many forms, and subtlety and grace are as important as strength and achievement. Assert yourself into the process — make sure you are heard. Capricorn will respond to clear ground rules set between the two of you and admire your deep consideration when you explain your process.

A natural meeting place will be family names with long histories, evoking virtues that speak to your idealism and Capricorn’s determination. Embrace the more direct and strong names on your list — Capricorn will be sure to respond to crisp, streamlined names that have already pleased your sense of beauty.

You both will enjoy sharing your top options with others and reviewing the feedback with each other. While Capricorn will resist trends, you both will appreciate familiar names. Your insight, Libra, can warm up Capricorn’s methodical ways. Capricorn will also help you settle into your final decision. Together, you will find a name that celebrates strength and harmony.

Celebrity Libra & Capricorn Namers

Jeff Goldblum & Emilie Livingston: Charlie Ocean (m) & River Joe

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