Gemini: Naming a Baby With a Sagittarius Partner

Gemini, naming your baby with a Sag partner might take a while, but in the best of ways. You and Sagittarius both love gathering information and are prone to constant inspiration. With your bold searches and your mutual love of looking high and low, you are sure to find an inspired, dazzling name.

Of all the signs, you most understand Sagittarius’ approach to the naming process, though you, too, may struggle with Sagittarius’ resistance to compromise. Neither of you is concerned with the rules as much as exploring all the inspirations that abound, but Sagittarius can challenge even your sense of endless wonder. While it may be hard for you to make a final decision, Sagittarius may push the decision even further, until after the baby arrives.

Your interest in trends may clash with Sagittarius’ rule breaking tendencies — where you delight in current styles, Sagittarius is focused on standing out and going against the grain. However, you both love travel, and Sagittarius will heartily consider names that are popular in other countries. Sagittarius will also appreciate novel names that have an innate optimism to them. Be sure to look over your own long lists and highlight contenders that have striking wordplay or a winsome individuality. Sagittarius may also lean more aspirational than your tastes, but will agree with you that versatility is a boon.

These highly flexible names — ones that can be used across cultures, or where the child can find one or two different nicknames within the original name — will delight you both. You and your Sagittarius partner are an ideal naming pair when it comes to exploration and inspiration. Be patient with Sagittarius’ resistance to advice, and you will be rewarded with an optimistic partner who appreciates your eclectic and nimble process.

Celebrity Gemini & Sagittarius Namers

Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany: Stellan & Agnes Lark

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