Frenchie Names- French Bulldogs

Perfect names for their squishy faces!
  1. Agnus
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Latin for "lamb", and a soundalike of the previously mega-popular female name Agnes, which has long been associated with lambs due to the link. Agnus Dei is Latin for "Lamb of God", honoured within the Catholic Mass and other Christian liturgies.
  2. Artemis
    • Origin:

      Greek, diminutive of Artemios
    • Meaning:

      "safe; butcher"
    • Description:

      Best known as the the Greek Goddess of the hunt and the moon, Artemis could now be considered one of the few traditionally feminine names that are currently being used for boys. Alternatively though, when pronounced ahr-TEH-mis, it is a valid Greek masculine name – a diminutive of Artemios.
  3. Elmer
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "noble and renowned"
    • Description:

      Thanks to Elmer Fudd, Elmer the Cow, and even Elmer's glue, this name has become a bit of a joke -- the quintessential so-far-out-it-will-always-be-out name. But with its trendy El-beginning and popular er-ending, who knows?
  4. Ernest
    • Origin:

      English from German
    • Meaning:

      "serious, resolute"
    • Description:

      Ernest is one of those sober, so-far-out-they're-beginning-to-be-reconsidered Great Uncle names. Ernest recently received a big style boost when Britain's Princess Eugenie chose it for her second son.
  5. Esmeralda
    • Origin:

      Spanish and Portuguese
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Esmeralda came into use as an applied use of the Spanish word for emerald, esmeralda. In the 1831 Victor Hugo novel Notre-Dame de Paris, also known as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, the heroine was born Agnes, but called La Esmeralda in reference to the jewel she wears around her neck. The name Esmeralda got increased visibility via the Disney version of the story.
  6. Fergus
    • Origin:

      Scottish and Irish
    • Meaning:

      "man of force"
    • Description:

      In Celtic lore, Fergus was the ideal of manly courage, making it a charming, slightly quirky Scottish and Irish favorite.
  7. Finnigan
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Finnigan is another way to spell Finnegan, one of the energetic Irish surname-names in vogue now. One note: While Finnigan, Finnian, Finley and so on are appealing names on their own, you don't need to use a longer form to get to Finn, which is a perfectly proper name all on its own.
  8. Franklin
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "free landholder"
    • Description:

      A doubly Presidential name, via Pierce and Roosevelt, Franklin was given an initial boost via the fame of Benjamin Franklin. It also has a literary tie to the main character of the Wilkie Collins classic The Moonstone.
  9. Gertrude
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "strength of a spear"
    • Description:

      Could cute nickname Gertie, remembered as cute five-year-old Drew Barrymore in E.T., revive the long shunned Gertrude?
  10. Gideon
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "hewer; or, having a stump for a hand"
    • Description:

      Gideon is a no-longer neglected Old Testament name, but still makes an excellent choice for parents looking to move beyond such overused biblicals as Benjamin and Jacob. In the Old Testament, Gideon was a judge called on by God to rescue the Jews from the Midianites, and the name was popular among the Puritans.
  11. Grover
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lives near a grove of trees"
    • Description:

      Forget the furry blue Muppet, forget corpulent President Cleveland (not too difficult), and consider this name anew. We think it's spunky, a little funky, and well worth a second look.
  12. Hamish
    • Origin:

      Scottish variation of James
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Just as Seamus/Seumus is Irish for James, Hamish is the Scottish form — one that's not often used here, but still redolent of Olde Scotland. If you're ready to go further than Duncan and Malcolm, out to Laird and Ewan territory, this may be worth consideration. It also sounds just like the Yiddish word for homey.
  13. Herbert
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "bright army"
    • Description:

      Names ending in bert have long been in limbo, but with the return of Albert, maybe there's hope for Herbert. who could share the Bertie nickname. Herbert is a name that's been used by English speakers since medieval times, and was in the Top 25 in the US in the late 1920s, around the time of the presidency of Herbert Hoover, but there's been no sight of Herbert in the 21st century. Some Herberts, including novelists H. G. Wells and H. E. Bates, have preferred to go by their initials.
  14. Howie
    • Hugh
      • Origin:

        English from German
      • Meaning:

        "mind, intellect"
      • Description:

        Patrician to the core, Hugh was firmly in the Top 100 until 1903. It's never achieved those heights again, though it has always managed to remain in the Top 1000, scraping bottom at literally Number 1000 in 2006 before reversing course and heading back upwards.
    • Hugo
      • Origin:

        Latinized form of Hugh
      • Meaning:

        "mind, intellect"
      • Description:

        Hugo, the Latin form of Hugh, has more heft and energy than the original -- and of course we love names that end (or begin, for that matter) with an o. This one is especially appealing because it's backed up by lots of solid history and European style.