Girl Names I Love

  1. Abilene
    • Origin:

      English from Hebrew
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      New Testament, Texas, and Kansas place-name more fitting for a girl.
  2. Agatha
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "good woman"
    • Description:

      Agatha until recently summoned up visions of martyred saints, mauve silk dresses, and high lace collars, but now that some dauntless excavators have begun to resurrect it, we're sure more will follow their lead. Actor Thomas Gibson used it for his daughter in 2004.
  3. Agnes
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "pure, virginal"
    • Description:

      Agnes is the Latin variation of the name Hagne, which itself derived from the Greek word hagnos, meaning "chaste." In medieval times, St. Agnes was a very popular saint, leading to its popularity as a girl's name. Agnes Grey is the title of one of the two novels written by Anne Brontë.
  4. Aline
    • Origin:

      Variation of Adeline or Aileen
    • Description:

      Aline may have originated as a short form of Adeline in the Middle Ages, but it may also be a variation of the Irish Aileen or Scottish Eileen. Aline dropped off the Top 1000 in the 1950s. Fewer than 40 baby girls were named Aline in the US last year.
  5. Amanda
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "she must be loved"
    • Description:

      Amanda may no longer be the most popular girls' name in her class, but she is still among the prettiest and has a lovely meaning. Amanda was one of the romantic-sounding girls’ names that rocketed to stardom in the eighties, along with Samantha, Vanessa, et al.
  6. Amy
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Amy is the English variation of the Old French name Amée—Aimée in modern French. Amée was a translation of the Latin name Amata, which derived from amatus, meaning "beloved." Other spelling variations include Amie and Ami.
  7. Angelica
    • Origin:

      Italian, Polish, Russian diminutive of Angela
    • Meaning:

      "angel or angelic"
    • Description:

      Angelica is by far the choicest form of the angelic names -- more delicate than Angelina, more feminine than Angel, more modern than Angela. But though Angelica is so lacy and poetic, it lags behind the bolder Angelina (probably for obvious reasons).
  8. Anouk
    • Origin:

      Dutch and French variation of Anna
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Anouk, made famous by French actress Anouk Aimée, is a singular name with a lovely sound and a Bohemian feel. Anouk Aimée was born as Francoise, but adopted the first name of the character she played in her debut film.
  9. Anoush
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A dramatic and adorable name with a lot of sweep and swoosh. Also spelled Anush.
  10. Antha
    • April
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "to open"
      • Description:

        Once the most popular month names, April has been overtaken by June (for girls) and August (for boys), as well as the charmingly old-fashioned May. Literary reference: the heroine of the book and movie Revolutionary Road, and there have been Aprils on Parks and Recreation, Glee, and The Vampire Diaries. Trivia note: comedian Ralphie May named his daughter April June May.
    • Aravis
      • Origin:

        Literary name and place-name
      • Description:

        Aravis was the name of a female character in C.S. Lewis's A Horse and His Boy, and is also the name of a mountain range in southern France. With the rise of Ava, Avery, and indeed seemingly all names that start with A, Aravis may finally reach a wider audience.
    • Armel
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "bear prince"
      • Description:

        The name of a sixth century Welsh saint who founded abbeys in Brittany, reconstituted for a modern girl.
    • Arwen
      • Origin:

        Literature, Sindarin, Welsh
      • Meaning:

        "noble maiden; fair, blessed"
      • Description:

        Best known as the princess of the Elves in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Arwen is a fantasy-inspired choice that feels perfectly down to earth. In 2022, it entered the UK Top 400, making it one of the fastest rising names, more than doubling in use from the previous year.
    • Ayelet
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "deer, gazelle"
      • Description:

        Ayelet is an unusual -- and somewhat challenging -- Israeli name familiar thanks to sometimes controversial Jerusalem-born novelist-essayist Ayelet Waldman.
    • Avicenna
      • Baize
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "dark brown"
        • Description:

          This fabric word name would be a one-of-a-kind.
      • Bayou
        • Origin:

          Native American nature name
        • Description:

          A slow and sultry southern choice that's definitely cool for babies of either gender. While the word feels French and has its roots in 18th century French Louisiana, it derives from the Choctaw word bayuk, which means "small stream."
      • Beatrix
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "she who brings happiness; blessed"
        • Description:

          Beatrix has a solid history of its own apart from Beatrice, with that final x adding a playful, animated note to the name's imposing history and stately vibe.
      • Beline
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          This French name meaning goddess is a possible Gallic import in the Celine mode.