Under-used and Under-appreciated Boys' Names

  1. Malcolm
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "devotee of St. Colomba"
    • Description:

      Malcolm is a warm and welcoming Scottish appellation (originally Mael-Colium) that fits into that golden circle of names that are distinctive but not at all odd. A royal name in Scotland, Malcolm is also a hero name for many via radical civil rights activist Malcolm X.
  2. Mark
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Mark has the rare appeal of a strong, sleek name with a minimalist modern feel and ancient roots. The name Mark is taken from the Roman god of war Mars, also the namesake of the planet.
  3. Matthias
    • Origin:

      Aramaic variation of Matthew
    • Meaning:

      "gift of God"
    • Description:

      With Matthew sounding somewhat exhausted, and ancient endings sounding new again, this New Testament apostolic name makes an appealing and recommended choice. Both Mathias and Matias are well used in the Hispanic community, and throughout Europe. Will Ferrell and his Swedish wife chose Matias for their second son.
  4. Maxwell
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "great stream"
    • Description:

      A happy medium between the weighty Maximilian and the laid-back Max, Maxwell is one of the most classic and attractive Scottish names. Early influences on the name's revival include Maxwell Smart of the television show, and then movie, Get Smart, and the Beatles song about Maxwell's Silver Hammer.
  5. Micheal
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Michael
    • Description:

      A spelling variation of Michael—or sometimes simply a mistake. Whatever the case, this version has always ranked in the US Top 1000, though always much lower than the traditional spelling.
  6. Niall
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Niall is pronounced nye-al--something like Neil, but this Irish spelling of the name makes it much more current and cool.
  7. Noah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "rest, repose"
    • Description:

      Noah is nearly a patriarch of popular baby names at this point, going from Old Testament graybeard to Top 10 name in 2009, hitting Number 1 in 2013, and now settled into second place in the US for the past seven years.
  8. North
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "cardinal direction of north"
    • Description:

      A lot of attention was drawn to this name when Kim Kardashian and Kanye West announced it as the name of their baby daughter, making it instantly unisex.
  9. Ogilvie
    • Pax
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Pax, one of the variations of names meaning peace that are newly popular in these less-than-peaceful times, got a lot of publicity when chosen by Brad & Angelina for their Vietnamese-born son. Parents attracted to Pax may also want to consider Paz, the unisex Spanish version, or Paxton, a growing-in-popularity surname choice that shares that magical X-factor.
    • Peter
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "rock, stone"
      • Description:

        Peter is derived from the Greek Petros, meaning "rock" or "stone." One of the most important figures in the Christian hagiography is Saint Peter, keeper of the Gates of Heaven. Born Simon bar Jonah, he was given the nickname Peter by Jesus, to signify that he would be the rock on which Christ would build Christianity. Centuries later, there was Peter the Great, the czar who developed Russia as a major European power.
    • Roland
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "famous throughout the land"
      • Description:

        Roland is a chivalrous old name made famous by the supposedly eight-foot-tall romantic hero and nephew of Charlemagne, celebrated in medieval poetry and song. It is more widely heard in the US now in its Spanish form, Rolando. You might want to consider rollicking short form Rollo, either on its own or as an abbreviation of Roland. Orlando is the graceful Italian form.
    • Rainbow
      • Samuel
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "told by God"
        • Description:

          Samuel has been so popular for so long that it's hard to believe it's still climbing, at its highest point since the 1890s.
      • Seamus
        • Origin:

          Irish variation of James
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Parents who have tired of Sean are now contemplating Seamus, the Irish form of James, which has a lot more substance and verve.
      • Sean
        • Origin:

          Irish variation of John
        • Meaning:

          "God is gracious"
        • Description:

          Sean, after a long reign as one of the top Irish boys' names in the US, has now slipped as parents look to fresher Irish choices such as Liam and Aidan. In Ireland, Sean is still highly popular, but variation Senan, an Anglicized spelling of diminutive Seanan, is also stylish in Ireland. While Sean is the Irish form of John, Seanan and Senan may be thought of either as Sean diminutives or relatives of the Latin word "senator".
      • Solomon
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Solomon, a name that evokes wisdom and peace, is an Old Testament name that, along with other patriarchal classics, is finally beginning to shed its long white beard and step from the pages of the Old Testament into modern nurseries.
      • Sven
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Especially for parents of Scandinavian descent, Sven is an accessible and attractive name with an appealing mix of strength and swagger. It comes from the ancient Swedish tribe, the Sviars, who gave their name to Svealand, which later morphed into Sweden.
      • Ulysses
        • Origin:

          Latin variation of the Greek Odysseus
        • Description:

          Ulysses is one of the few U boys' names anyone knows -- with heavy links to the Homeric hero, eighteenth president Grant, and the James Joyce novel -- all of which makes it both distinguished and kind of weighty for a modern boy. Ulysses was on the US popularity list well into the twenty-first century; it's off now, but Number 684 on Nameberry.