Useable Narnia names

  1. Aravis
    • Origin:

      Literary name and place-name
    • Description:

      Aravis was the name of a female character in C.S. Lewis's A Horse and His Boy, and is also the name of a mountain range in southern France. With the rise of Ava, Avery, and indeed seemingly all names that start with A, Aravis may finally reach a wider audience.
  2. Aslan
    • Bree
      • Origin:

        Irish, from Brid, Brigh, Brigid
      • Meaning:

        "strength or exalted one"
      • Description:

        A short, breezy name with a sophisticated yet upbeat image, that doesn't betray its Irish roots. Bree first came to notice here in 1971 via the complex prostitute character in the movie Klute, which earned Jane Fonda an Oscar. More recently, it was tied to the character of Bree Van de Kamp on Desperate Housewives.
    • Caspian
      • Origin:

        Place name
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        One of the most romantic of appellations, Caspian is a geographical name referring to the large salty sea between Asia and Europe. It's also the name of the hero of C.S. Lewis's beloved Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian.
    • Cole
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "swarthy, coal black"
      • Description:

        Cole -- a short name that embodies a lot of richness and depth -- has long been associated with the great songwriter Cole Porter. It's quite popular in Scotland.
    • Colin
      • Origin:

        English diminutive of Nicholas or Irish and Scottish
      • Meaning:

        "people of victory; pup"
      • Description:

        Thanks to its dashing Anglo-Irish image — due partly to Colins Firth and Farrell — and its C-initialed two-syllable sound, Colin and its cousin Collin have enjoyed a long run of popularity, reaching as high as Number 84 in 2004.
    • Corin
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Corin was used by Shakespeare in As You Like It, an unusual name that could make a more distinctive alternative to Corey or Colin. It is a name used in the illustrious Redgrave family of actors.
    • Cornelius
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Cornelius, the New Testament name of a third century Pope and saint, is one of those venerable Latin names on the edge of consideration, despite the corny nickname alert.
    • Digory
      • Edmund
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "fortunate protector"
        • Description:

          The sophisticated Edmund and its nearly-identical French twin Edmond are coming out of mothballs now that Edward, inspired by Twilight, is once again a hot name.
      • Eustace
        • Origin:

          English from Greek
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Eustace was originally popularized by St. Eustace, who was born a Norman nobleman and is said to have been converted to Christianity by seeing a crucifix between the antlers of the deer he was hunting. It was introduced to England by the Normans, and can be found in medieval legend. In literature the name appears in the person of Eustace Clarence Scrubb in C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia.
          The image of Eustace today is as sedate and stuffy as the monocled Eustace Tilly character on The New Yorker magazine covers. Its diminutive Stacy became a unisex hit.
      • Fledge
        • Gale
          • Origin:

            Nature name
          • Description:

            Gale for boys is more a storm name than a short form of Abigail. Since Gale has resurfaced as the name of Liam Hemsworth's daring character in The Hunger Games, it has new force for boys.
        • Helen
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "torch; shining light"
          • Description:

            Helen is a name that has connoted beauty since ancient times – Helen of Troy was the the mythological "face that launched a thousand ships," over whom the ten-year Trojan War was fought.
        • Jewel
          • Origin:

            Word name
          • Description:

            Just like Flora is for botanicals, Jewel is the generic gemstone name, not used much since the early twentieth century, when it was seen as a symbol of how precious a daughter could be. The French version, Bijou, feels more modern, as do Pearl and Ruby.
        • Jill
          • Origin:

            Diminutive of Gillian or Juliana
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Probably due to its nursery rhyme association, Jill has the perpetual air of a rosy-cheeked tot -- even though it is one of the oldest names on the roster, a medieval variation on the Roman Julia. The pairing of Jack and Jill to connote a generic boy and girl goes back at least to the fifteenth century. But can knowing Jill's history keep it from sounding like a cute mid-twentieth century invention? There may be some possibility of Jill making it back up the hill.
        • Kirke
          • Lucy
            • Origin:

              English variation of Lucia, Latin
            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              A versatile classic, Lucy is both sweet and solid, a saint's name, and the heroine of several great novels. First fashionable in England and Wales, Lucy is now a popular choice in the US, The Netherlands, and New Zealand.
          • Miraz
            • Olvin