Alternatives to Harper

  1. Thayer
    • Origin:

      French variation of Taylor
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Thayer sounds like a modern update '90s success-story Taylor — although it's much rarer and will likely never reach Taylor's heights. It is also reminiscent of currently trendy Thea, which could also be used as a nickname.
  2. Thatcher
    • Windsor
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "riverbank with a winch"
      • Description:

        Windsor may have male references, such as Britain's royal House of Windsor and a tie's windsor knot, but this name also has a definite feminine feel, as in Windsor Rose. That seems appropriate, as Windsor is used equally these days for boys and girls. Nicknames might include Win, Wind, Windy, and Winnie.