Flora and Fauna and Fae

  1. Cricket
    • Origin:

      Nature name
    • Description:

      Nickname name from the era of Father Knows Best, though we can see it making something of a comeback, a la Clover and Pippa. Cricket has new potential especially since it has recently been chosen by Busy Philipps. Still, it's one of the quirkier girl names starting with C.
  2. Crow
    • Origin:

      Bird name
    • Description:

      From Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore, the story of a boy named Kafka -- crow in Czech.
  3. Cyprus
    • Origin:

      Latin from Greek
    • Meaning:

      "cypress tree; copper"
    • Description:

      This Mediterranean island name would be a plausible choice for parents with a Greek or Turkish heritage.
  4. Clover
    • Dahlia
      • Origin:

        Flower name, from Swedish surname
      • Meaning:

        "Dahl's flower"
      • Description:

        One of the flower names, used occasionally in Britain (where it's pronounced DAY-lee-a). It seems to have recovered from what was perceived as a slightly affected la-di-dah air. The flower was named in honor of the pioneering Swedish botanist Andreas Dahl, which means dale.
    • Daisy
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Margaret or flower name, English
      • Meaning:

        "day's eye"
      • Description:

        Daisy, fresh, wholesome, and energetic, is one of the flower names that burst back into bloom after a century's hibernation. Originally a nickname for Margaret (the French Marguerite is the word for the flower), Daisy comes from the phrase "day's eye," because it opens its petals at daybreak.
    • Dalia
      • Origin:

        Hebrew, Spanish, or Swahili
      • Meaning:

        "branch; dahlia; gentle"
      • Description:

        Similar in sound to the flower name Dahlia, this gentle but distinctive name, heard in many cultures, hits that Golden Mean between too popular and too unusual. In Lithuanian mythology, Dalia is a goddess of weaving and of fate.
    • Daphne
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "laurel tree, bay tree"
      • Description:

        In Greek mythology, Daphne was the nymph daughter of Peneus, a river god. Peneus saved Daphne from Apollo’s romantic obsessions by transforming her into a laurel tree. It is from this myth that the plant genus daphne, which contains the laurel species, gets its name.
    • Dove
      • Origin:

        Color and nature name
      • Meaning:

        "dove, a bird"
      • Description:

        Subtle but clear unisex way to signal peace, especially in middle place.
    • Edelweiss
      • Origin:

        Flower name, from German
      • Meaning:

        "noble white"
      • Description:

        Edelweiss, made famous by the Rogers and Hammerstein song in "The Sound of Music", is a rare female name.
    • Elder
      • Origin:

        English word name
      • Description:

        Anyone who's seen "The Book of Mormon" or visited Utah knows this as the title taken by male Mormon missionaries during their term of service. We'd advise anyone who lives somewhere with any significant Mormon population to avoid it for that reason.
    • Elowen
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        A beautiful modern Cornish nature name that is rapidly picking up steam in the States: even spawning variant spellings like Elowyn and Elowynn. In its native region, it wasn't widely used as a name before the twentieth century, when the Cornish language was revived. A (currently) unique member of the fashionble El- family of names, it has a pleasant, evocative sound.
    • Ember
      • Elowen
        • Fable
          • Origin:

            Word name
          • Description:

            Inventive name for the child of a writer.
        • Feline
          • Origin:

            Feminine form of Felinus, Latin
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            This Top 100 girls' name in The Netherlands is unlikely to translate to the U.S., where it would undoubtedly pronounced fee-line and mistaken for the adjective that means cat-like. While the name Feline -- and Felina and Felinus -- do have the same root, the considerably more charming pronunciation in modern-day Europe is fee-LEEN-ah. Some websites mistakenly relate it to Felix and give its meaning as happy or fortunate.
        • Fennec
          • Origin:

            Animal name
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            The name of an adorably small, big-eared fox native to Africa would make an inspired choice for a little boy -- though confusion with Hunger Games name Finnick is all but certain. Given the rise of animal names and the fashionability of names that start with F among the leading baby name trends, Fennec may find more favor.
        • Fennel
          • Origin:

            Vegetable and herb name
          • Description:

            In the garden of herb names, Rosemary and Basil are perennials and Sage is a new upshoot, but Fennel is a real rarity. The aniseed-tasting plant, used to add flavor to dishes around the world, gets its name from the Latin word feniculum, meaning "little hay".
        • Fern
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "plant name"
          • Description:

            Of all the botanicals, Fern has been one of the slowest to move back from the front parlor into the nursery, despite the appealing girl character in the children's classic Charlotte's Web. Fern was most popular from the turn of the last century through the 1940s, reaching a high of #152 in 1916. We can certainly see her rejoining the long list of popular greenery names.
        • Fiorello
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "little flower"
          • Description:

            Fiorello is one of the few floral names that works well for a boy. The colorful three-term World War II New York Mayor La Guardia made this one famous -- in fact he was nicknamed "the Little Flower". His life was the basis for the 1959 musical called, appropriately, "Fiorello!"