Dog Names

  1. Coco
    • Origin:

      Spanish and French pet name
    • Description:

      Coco came to prominence as the nickname of the legendary French designer Chanel (born Gabrielle) and has lately become a starbaby favorite, initially chosen by Courteney Cox for her daughter Coco Riley in 2004. At first it was the kind of name that the press loves to ridicule, but we predict Coco's heading for more broad acceptance and even popularity.
  2. Chomper
    • Fifi
      • Origin:

        French diminutive of Josephine, Hebrew
      • Meaning:

        "Jehovah increases"
      • Description:

        Fifi is a perfect name -- for a French poodle. But Fifi may seem more child-friendly as names like Coco and Lulu rise. Fifi in its fluffiness also balances the seriousness of such full names as Josephine or Federica.
    • Izzy
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Isabel and Isabella
      • Description:

        The longer Isabella stays in the Top 10—and it's been there for more than a decade—the more we hear the nickname Izzy (especially if we watch Grey's Anatomy). it's just a matter of time before it stands on its own, as it has as a first name for the daughter of Eddie Murphy and Paige Butcher.
    • Jojo
      • Kooper
        • Mags
          • Sandy
            • Origin:

              Diminutive of Sandra or Alexandra
            • Description:

              Nickname name in the era of Grease. Sandy fits well in the era of boyish nicknames for girls - a la Scottie and Stevie - or as an alternative to the rapidly rising Goldie. While it peaked in 1960, Sandy is still given to about 60 baby girls each year.
          • Steelie
            • ZoZo