Middle names for Wolf

  1. ARKIE
    • Arrow
      • Origin:

        Word name
      • Description:

        Words are not always easy to translate into baby names, but the implications of being straight and swift lend this one great potential as a name. It also has the popular o-sound ending, which brings it further into the realm of possibility. Rising rock star Aja Volkman pulled a gender switch when she named her daughter Arrow Eve.
    • Benton
      • Origin:

        English surname and place name
      • Meaning:

        "bent grass enclosure"
      • Description:

        Benton is an old English surname of a type usually given to local landowners. It is also recorded in early records as Beneton and Bentune. Benton newly returned to the Social Security list in 2011 after a forty-plus year absence, perhaps as a fresh route to Ben.
    • Django
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "I awake"
      • Description:

        Django — the D is silent as most everyone now knows — the nickname of the great Belgian-born jazz guitarist Django (originally Jean Baptiste) Reinhardt, makes a dynamic musical choice for any jazz aficionado. Reinhardt's nickname "Django" is Romani for "I awake." The name has become more familiar with the release of and acclaim for the Quentin Tarantino film Django Unchained.
    • Jago
      • Origin:

        Spanish and Cornish variation of Jacob
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Jago is a dashing alternative to overused favorite Jacob.
    • Ludo
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        This cool and quirky short form of the suave Ludovic could be an even-more-adventurous spin on Nico and Hugo.
    • Peio