My Favorite Chinese Girl Names 2012
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These are my favorite Chinese girls names.
- Chinaetta
- Chinasa
- Chinna
- Ciandra
- Fang
- Lei
- Lien
- Lixue
- Mayleen
- Qiao
- Tai
"great extreme"Description:
Skater Tai Babilonia brought this sleek modern name to the world's attention. Pronounced "tie."
- Tao
- Xia
Chinese dynastic nameDescription:
This name of the first recorded dynasty of ancient China is short and simple enough to make a possible Asian-American alternative to Mia and Tia. British-Filipino child star Xia Vigor has invigorated the name in the Philippines.
- Xiu
- Yenie
- Yoora
- Zennah
- Zhi