Girls names I love 2012

  1. Angel
    • Origin:

      Spanish and English
    • Meaning:

      "angel, messenger"
    • Description:

      Angel is one of those names that has a very different trajectory for girls and boys. As a female name, it was most popular in the US from the 1970s until the turn of this century, almost breaking into the Top 100 at its peak in 2001 but then beginning a long slide down the list.
  2. Brooklyn
    • Origin:

      Place-name from Dutch
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Extreme makeover: Brooklyn has gone from jokey Borough Boy name in the 1990s to a leading girls' name starting with B. The status of New York's Brooklyn as hipster heaven is ironic as few bona fide Brooklyn hipsters would choose this name.
  3. Cheyenne
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "people of a different language"
    • Description:

      The name of a courageous tribe, Cheyenne became quite popular in the 1990s, inspiring a wide range of spelling variations—Shyanne is one example that's still on the rise.
  4. Dakota
    • Origin:

      Native American tribe and place name; Sioux
    • Meaning:

      "friendly one"
    • Description:

      A Native American tribe name which is found in the names of two US states, Dakota was one of the first trendy nineties place names, but is now flagging a little in popularity. The cultural question around using a Native American tribe name as a baby name may be partly to blame.
  5. Francesca
    • Origin:

      Italian variation of Frances
    • Meaning:

      "from France or free man"
    • Description:

      Francesca is a lighter and much more feminine choice than the classic Frances, and one that is increasingly popular with upscale parents.
  6. Isabella
    • Origin:

      Spanish and Italian variation of Elizabeth, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "pledged to God"
    • Description:

      Isabella has been a Top 10 name for girls in the US for two decades now. The Latinate form of Isabel, a variation of Elizabeth which originally derived from the Hebrew name Elisheba, Isabella reigned as Number 1 in 2009 and 2010.
  7. Kia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "season's beginning"
    • Description:

      Kia is a sweet, simple name that is now, unfortunately, associated with a Korean car label. Better today: Nia, Thea, or Keira.
  8. Michaela
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Michael
    • Meaning:

      "who is like God?"
    • Description:

      This most proper form of the name shot up the charts in the nineties, only to sink just as precipitously, supplanted by upstarts Makayla and McKayla ad infinitum.
  9. Olivia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "olive tree"
    • Description:

      Olivia, a lovely Shakespearean name with an admirable balance of strength and femininity, is the Number 1 name for baby girls in the US and one of the top girls' names around the world.
  10. Sequoia
    • Origin:

      Native American, Cherokee
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This name of a giant tree, itself named for a nineteenth-century Cherokee who invented a way to write his tribe's language, makes a strong, stately statement.
  11. Shawnee
    • Origin:

      Native American tribe name
    • Description:

      The Shawnee were an Eastern tribe that migrated westward; Shawnee makes an unusual name, if a little dated a la Shawn and Tawnee.