Favourite Boys' Names

  1. Adam
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "son of the red earth"
    • Description:

      Adam -- a primal Old Testament name -- was revived as a 1960s cowboy name. Adam is not as popular as it once was and feels ready for a respite, replaced by newer A names like Aidan/Aiden, Avery and Axel. Its most prominent current bearers include Adams Sandler, Levine, Brody and Driver -- who plays a character named Adam on Girls.
  2. Adrian
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "man of Adria"
    • Description:

      Adrian is one of those names that’s easy to picture on all kinds of people. From an active and energetic five-year-old to your great grandpa, from the coolest, breeziest guy you know, to the quiet, serious one, it’s no wonder Adrian has always made the US Top 500 since the early 20th century.
  3. Aidan
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "little and fiery"
    • Description:

      Aidan was originally a pet form of the Irish name Aodh (pronounced 'ee'), the name of the old Celtic god of the sun and fire. The name was borne by numerous early Irish saints, one of whom was noted for his kindness and generosity.
  4. Ainsley
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "solitary meadow"
    • Description:

      This name will tick a lot of boxes for many parents: unisex; trendy sound; pretty instinctive to pronounce; and some great namesakes including British chef Ainsley Harriott and American footballer Ainsley Battles.
  5. Alex
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Alexander, Alexis
    • Meaning:

      "defending men"
    • Description:

      The independent Alex has become a classic in its own right. One of the truest unisex names, Alex is used almost equally for both sexes. Alex is used both on its own and as a short form of formal names of both genders, such as Alexander, Alexandra, and Alexis.
  6. Ambrose
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Gentle but grandiose and beloved by British novelists including Evelyn Waugh and P. G. Wodehouse, Ambrose was a fast rising name in 2022. Entering the UK Top 1000 for the first time and proving popular among Nameberry users, its elegance, softness, and vintage style means it fits in with popular Theodore, Sebastian, and Jeremiah.
  7. Amias
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Amias or Amyas is a unique name with an attractive sound and feel and a lovely meaning. Though it might sound like a Biblical name, it is not, but is a surname that may be related to Amadeus or even be a male version of Amy--which would make it one of the few boys' names to be derived from a girls'.
  8. Ardan
    • Arlo
      • Origin:

        Irish or English
      • Meaning:

        "between two hills"
      • Description:

        Quirky cool Arlo is now well and truly back. Last year it broke into the US Top 200 boy names and consistently ranks among the most popular boy names on Nameberry.
    • Asher
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "fortunate, blessed, happy one"
      • Description:

        Asher—an excellent, soft and sensitive Old Testament choice—is a baby boy name on the rise, and is a Nameberry biblical favorite.
    • Auden
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "old friend"
      • Description:

        The poetic, soft-spoken Auden has recently started to be considered as a first name option, used for both sexes, appreciated for its pleasing sound as well as its link to the distinguished modern Anglo-American poet W.H. Auden.
    • Avery
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "ruler of the elves"
      • Description:

        Avery is a unisex name that is used four times as often today for girls as for boys. But while Avery's popularity is starting to soften for girls, it continues to get stronger for boys -- in keeping with our finding that gender neutral names are becoming more favored for boys than for girls.
    • Baxter
      • Origin:

        English occupational name
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        An x makes any name cooler, so that Baxter has a bit more pizzazz than the original Baker. Baxter had some currency as a first name a century ago--it was on the popularity lists sporadically from 1880 till the 1920s, peaking at Number 515 in 1886-- which means it's just about due for a comeback. And we can see Bax as a worthy follow-up to Max and Jax.
    • Bradan
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        This now-popular name has spawned several different spellings. Many parents choose it solely for its style and sound, but we like the history behind this version: the bradan feasa is the "Salmon of Knowledge" in the legend of Finn McCool.
    • Brennan
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "descendent of the sad one"
      • Description:

        Brennan is a winning Irish surname name, more modern than Brian or Brendan, more unusual than Conor and Aidan. The only possible problem with Brennan: people might think you're saying Brendan.
    • Brook
      • Origin:

        English nature name
      • Meaning:

        "small stream"
      • Description:

        Now that the popularity of Brooke is waning, and surname style variant Brooks is on the rise, Brook seems live a newly fresh nature-inspired option.
    • Caden
      • Origin:

        English, Celtic
      • Meaning:

        "battle; round, barrel"
      • Description:

        Caden is a key member of the rhyming contingent that includes Aiden, Jayden, Kayden, Brayden et al. It may derive from the Celtic Cadan or Irish Cathán, both from the same root meaning "battle". It is also possible it comes from Cade, meaning "round" or "barrel".
    • Caelan
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "little slender one"
      • Description:

        One of several Anglicized forms of Caolán, this spelling is borrowed from the Old Irish root, cáel. The pronunciation is also slightly Anglicized, as the original name may be pronounce KWAY-lan, KEE-lan, or KWEE-lan, depending on regional dialect.
    • Caleb
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "dog; whole heart"
      • Description:

        Caleb is an attractive Old Testament name that has been in the US Top 100 for nearly three decades now. Consistently popular but never too popular, Caleb feels more like a classic than a momentary trend.
    • Callum
      • Origin:

        Scottish form of Columba, Latin
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Callum, a charming Scottish name high on the list in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, is rising through the ranks in the US now too. And it comes complete with the easy nickname Cal.