Silent era boys

Names from actors/characters of the 1920's silent movie era. Names are taken from both first and last names.
  1. Arbuckle
    • Astor
      • Brooks
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "of the brook"
        • Description:

          A nature name, a word name, and a surname name, Brooks has plenty of cool factor. It gives off cowboy vibes and a sporty feel, while also maintaining a smart, collected image.
      • Burke
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "from the fortress"
        • Description:

          Simple, usable surname choice.
      • Buster
        • Origin:

          Modern nickname
        • Description:

          An old-fashioned nickname in the Bud/Buzz/Biff mold; this one's kind of belligerent. Michelle Hicks and Jonny Lee Miller moved outside the box when they used it for their son--given the safer middle name of Timothy.
      • Carver
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "wood carver"
        • Description:

          Carver is an occupational name with an artistic bent, associated with wood carving predominantly, though it could also be linked to those who carve from stone, marble, ice, and pumpkins. More familiar that the equally arty Painter, but fresher than the 90s style Carter, Carver has received more interest in recent years.
      • Chaney
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "oak tree"
        • Description:

          Beautiful meaning for parents fond of nature-themed names that are a little less obvious. Actor Chaney Kley was one famous bearer of this surname-name.
      • Chaplin
        • Origin:

          English and French surname
        • Meaning:

          "clergyman of a chapel"
        • Description:

          Chaplin carries two very distinctive images: the beloved Little Tramp and a minister, often to the military. It was the baby-name choice of Ever Carridine in 2010.
      • Charlie
        • Origin:

          English, diminutive of Charles, French from German
        • Meaning:

          "free man"
        • Description:

          Charlie derives, of course, from the classic name Charles which, in turn, comes from a German word meaning "free man." Charles became very popular in France during the Middle Ages due to the fame of Charles the Great, also known as Charlemagne. Charley is an alternate spelling.
      • Chester
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "fortress, walled town,"
        • Description:

          Chester is a comfortable, little-used teddy-bear of a name that suddenly sounds both quirky and cuddly.
      • Collier
        • Origin:

          English occupational name
        • Meaning:

          "coal miner"
        • Description:

          This occupational surname could find new life with those wishing to honor someone in their heritage who was connected to the tough-as-nails breed that was the pre-modern coal miner. Coll and Collie are some sweet nickname options to tone down the formality of this name.
      • Conrad
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "brave counsel"
        • Description:

          Conrad has a somewhat intellectual masculine image, a solid name that has been consistently on the popularity lists, especially well used in the 1920s and 30s, and given a pop of rock energy by the Elvis-like character of Conrad Birdie in Bye, Bye, Birdie--("We love you Conrad, oh yes we do!").
      • Carruthers
        • Coogan
          • Douglas
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "black water"
            • Description:

              Douglas, and more particularly its nickname, Doug, had a real romantic swagger in the 1950s and 1960s dating back to swashbuckling Douglas Fairbanks, but today is more likely to conjure up your mom's prom date. Originally a Celtic river name, it became attached to a powerful Scottish clan, renowned for their strength and courage. In its earliest incarnation, Douglas was used equally for girls and boys.
          • Errol
            • Origin:

              Scottish, spelling variation of Earl
            • Description:

              Errol was a swashbuckling name in the Errol Flynn era, which still has a trace of jazz cool.m thanks to jazz pianist Erroll Garner.
          • Fairbanks
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "bank along the pathway"
            • Description:

              Alaska's second most populous city makes a baby name with a preppy, even aristocratic, flavor.
          • Fields
            • Frawley
              • Gable
                • Origin:

                • Meaning:

                  "triangular feature in architecture"
                • Description:

                  The iconic Gone With the Wind star Clark's surname was brought into the first-name mix when Weeds' Kevin Nealon picked it for his son. Gable makes a strong and unusual possibility, a rhyming cousin to Abel and Mabel.