feminine names beginning with c

a sweet collection of pretty girl's names beginning with c! a lot of names also have a more vibrant K spelling.
  1. Cadence
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "rhythm, beat"
    • Description:

      The musical word name Cadence, seemed to come out of nowhere to zoom up the charts; it rose over 700 spots between 2002 and 2004, and showed up in the Top 200 in 2007. It's gone down in the popular names list since then, though. Some might see it as a feminine relative of the popular Caden. Kadence and Kaydence are also rising.
  2. Cadenza
    • Origin:

      Italian, musical term
    • Description:

      Cadenza takes the popular CADENCE and gives it a more operatic flourish.
  3. Cait
    • Origin:

      Short form of Caitlin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Cait, pronounced like more popular sister Kate, is the form used when shortening Caitlin or any of the other Irish and Gaelic Cait-starting variations of Catherine.
  4. Caitlin
    • Origin:

      Irish variation of Catherine
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      An Irish and Welsh form of Catherine, Caitlin was a boom name of the eighties, rocketing from obscurity (Americans first heard it via the wife of doomed poet Dylan Thomas) to the height of popularity in the space of a decade. The original name was gradually eclipsed by its myriad spelling variations -- Katelyn and Kaitlyn both soon topping it on the popularity lists.
  5. Caitlyn
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Caitlin
    • Description:

      Caitlyn is following all variations on the Irish classic Caitlin down the US baby name charts, following decades of popular usage. The original Anglicized form Kathleen is now starting to feel fresher than these more modern forms.
  6. Caitriona
    • Origin:

      Gaelic variation of Catherine
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Both Caitriona and Catriona are commonly heard in Scotland and Ireland. The name was brought to Ireland by the Anglo-Normans, and is the source of nicknames Cait, Caitin, Caitlin and Triona. Actress Caitrona Balfe has gained recognition for her role on Outlander. Pronunciation is like Katrina.
  7. Cal
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Caroline
    • Meaning:

      "free man"
    • Description:

      If Caroline is too classic and Callie too cutesy, Cal might work as a cool alternative. Well established and currently in the Top 1000 for boys, it has potential as a gender neutral option too.
  8. Calla
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Calla is a botanical name that is much more distinctive than popular Lily or similar Callie. Rarely heard today, it did appear in the popularity lists in the last decades of the nineteenth century.
  9. Callie
    • Origin:

      Greek diminutive
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      As 90s and early 2000s favorite Allie is starting to fall, Callie is feeling extra fresh. Callie is a nickname name that is currently more popular on its own than any of its longer versions. Callie was popular in the late 1800s when it was in the Top 200 for several years. However the name fell out of favor, eventually falling off the charts for some time. Callie has been rising again since the 70s, and it is now back in the Top 200 once again. In the popular show Grey's Anatomy, doctor Callie Torez's full name is the Greek Calliope.
  10. Callista
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "most beautiful"
    • Description:

      Calista Flockhart spotlighted this lovely Greek name that has a long future in the English-speaking world. Kallista is another spelling; Calixta and Calixto are related.
  11. Camden
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "winding valley"
    • Description:

      Newly popular boys' name could cross over in much the way the related Cameron has.
  12. Cameron
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "crooked nose"
    • Description:

      Cameron was once a rising star for boys only, but Cameron Diaz almost single-handedly transported it into the unisex camp back in the 80s.Though there are still eight times as many boy babies named Cameron as girls, it is currently in the US Top 600, where it is joined by Camryn and Kamyn.
  13. Camila
    • Origin:

      Spanish variation of Camilla
    • Meaning:

      "young ceremonial attendant"
    • Description:

      The Spanish Camila, pronounced ka-MEE-la, is the fastest rising version of this ancient Roman name, but recent royal Camilla may have helped promote the British brand.
  14. Camilla
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "young ceremonial attendant"
    • Description:

      The Spanish Camila, pronounced ka-MEE-la, is the fastest rising version of this ancient Roman name, but recent royal Camilla may have helped promote the British brand. In Roman myth, Camilla was a swift-footed huntress so fast she could run over a field without bending a blade of grass.
  15. Camille
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "young ceremonial attendant"
    • Description:

      At one time just the sound of the name Camille could start people coughing, recalling the tragic Lady of the Camellias, the heroine played by Greta Garbo in the vintage film based on a Dumas story, but that image has faded, replaced by a sleek, chic, highly attractive one.
  16. Cammie
    • Cammy
      • Campbell
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "crooked mouth"
        • Description:

          This unisex name, the seventh most popular surname in Scotland, can make a more unusual Cameron alternative. It is represented on the girls' side by TV news correspondent Campbell Brown, for whom it was a family name, Brown was born Alma Dale Campbell, Alma Dale being her grandmother's name,and Campbell her mother's maiden name.
      • Camryn
        • Origin:

          Spelling variation of Cameron, Scottish
        • Meaning:

          "crooked nose"
        • Description:

          This Cameron variation was popularized by actress Camryn Manheim and the character inTwitches of the same name. It also makes it more obviously feminine, which might appeal to some parents, considering the classic Cameron is a Top 100 choice for boys in the US.
      • Candace
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "white, pure, sincere"
        • Description:

          Candace, an ancient title of a dynasty of Ethiopian queens mentioned in the New Testament, is associated both with actress Candice Bergen and Sex and the City writer Candace Bushnell.