Chinese Girl Names By ViVi
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These are names of 100% Chinese origin, meaning they don't derive from names from other cultures. These are names specifically for girls. There are no male or unisex names on this list.
- Bai
Attractive middle name option.
- Bao
"treasure, jewel"Description:
Name introduced here via Chinese cinema, has middle-place potential.
- Baojin
"precious gold"Description:
Baojin, sometime hyphenated to Bao-Jin, has a luxurious meaning making it a relatively common choice for Mandarin-speaking parents. Baojin can be used for girls and boys. But this meaning also means that baby Baojin will also share his/her name with a mining company, an expressway and a housing policy.
- Gish
Chinese, meaning unknownDescription:
This name was brought to the fore by acclaimed Chinese-American novelist and short story writer Gish Jen, whose birth name was Lillian.
- Sharpay
"sand skin"Description:
This name of the glamorous mean girl in "High School Musical" is a euphonic spin on the dog breed Shar Pei, a brilliant name joke skewering the practice of picking a name for its sound without considering what it means. Other examples: Cliche, Hooker.
- Xia
Chinese dynastic nameDescription:
This name of the first recorded dynasty of ancient China is short and simple enough to make a possible Asian-American alternative to Mia and Tia. British-Filipino child star Xia Vigor has invigorated the name in the Philippines.
- Xin
"beautiful, elegant, mind, soul, joyous"Description:
A lovely name with many possible meanings depending on the characters used. A common feature of Chinese names for both sexes.
- Ye
Ye is a name with a lovely meaning, which is probably just a bit short for usage outside the Chinese community. Paired with Mei, however, it could work. Ye-Mei would mean beautiful leaf, a lovely name for an autumnal daughter.
- Yinuo
Yinuo is a Chinese female name meaning "promise." It is part of an idiomatic expression "Yinuo Qianjin" (一诺千金), which means "one promise; one thousand gold" or "keep your word." This Chinese name has the advantage of being relatively easy to pronounce for non-Chinese speakers. People called Yinuo include Yinuo Mu, principle harpist in the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Yinuo Chen, a Chinese actress who starred in Empresses in the Palace.
- Zhen
"a treasure"Description:
A striking choice, but might possibly be taken for Jen.