Distinctive and Playful Little Boys

  1. Abraxas
    • Origin:

      Persian mythology name
    • Description:

      Abraxas is a sci-fi-sounding name with earthly possibilities, but some playground challenges.
  2. Aldo
    • Origin:

      Italian from German
    • Meaning:

      "old and wise"
    • Description:

      A spirited German name very popular in Italy and occasionally used here, Aldo is one of the unique baby names with international flair. And names that mean wise have an enduring appeal.
  3. Amadeus
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lover of God"
    • Description:

      Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's middle name could make an interesting pick for music-loving parents--if only in middle place. Amadeus is the title of a Peter Shaffer play which became an award-winning film in 1984.
  4. Arthur
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      " bear"
    • Description:

      Arthur, once the shining head of the Knights of the Round Table, is, after decades of neglect, now being polished up and restored by stylish parents, inspired perhaps by the new generation of royals. Arthur has led the list of possible names for the young British princes, chosen as a middle name for Prince Louis, son of William and Catherine, Prince and Princess of Wales.
  5. Aurelio
    • Origin:

      Italian; Spanish, variation of Aurelius
    • Meaning:

      "the golden one"
    • Description:

      Aurelio is an energetic Italian name rarely heard in the US, with an attractive aura. As the female version Aurelia gains greater notice, we expect to hear more from Aurelio too. In fact, Aurelio has recently entered the Top 1000 in the US in 2022. Next to follow might be latinate versions Aurelius and Aurelian.
  6. Caspian
    • Origin:

      Place name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      One of the most romantic of appellations, Caspian is a geographical name referring to the large salty sea between Asia and Europe. It's also the name of the hero of C.S. Lewis's beloved Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian.
  7. Clifford
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lives near the ford by the cliff"
    • Description:

      Clifford is beginning to overcome a slightly stodgy intellectual image and showing signs of possible revival. Kids might or might not like the association with the big red dog. In England, the Clifford family was a powerful family in the Middle Ages. In this country, it was well used for most of the twentieth century, peaking at Number 57 in 1909, but a Top 100 name through 1950. Most prominent American bearers: playwright Clifford Odets and jazz trumpet great Clifford Brown.
  8. Desmond
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "one from south Munster"
    • Description:

      Desmond is a sophisticated and debonair name, with noble ties to 1984 Nobel Peace Prize-winning Bishop Desmond Tutu, and with some great nicknames: Des/Dez, Desi/Dezi.
  9. Edmund
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "fortunate protector"
    • Description:

      The sophisticated Edmund and its nearly-identical French twin Edmond are coming out of mothballs now that Edward, inspired by Twilight, is once again a hot name.
  10. Felix
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "happy, fortunate"
    • Description:

      Felix is one of those ancient but nontraditional names for boys that have come into favor over the past few decades, a favorite of parents who want a masculine name with history and heft that breaks ranks with the standard Franks and Freds. Felix is also an international darling, ranking in the Top 100 in several European and English-speaking countries.
  11. Ferdinand
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "bold voyager"
    • Description:

      Ferdinand, a traditional name in the royal families of Spain and a handsome young prince shipwrecked on Prosper's island in Shakespeare's The Tempest has, unfortunately, to the American ear a somewhat heavy and clumsy feel – most likely because of the bull connection. In the 1880's it was in the 200's on the US pop list, but has been off completely since 1986.
  12. Flavius
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "yellow, blond"
    • Description:

      Flavius is an ancient Roman family name associated with a dynasty of emperors. It has an appealingly flavorful first syllable, and is the name of a stylist in the Hunger Games series.
  13. Ignatius
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The striking Ignatius is making a truly surprising comeback, sparked by its selection by not one but two celebrities — Cate Blanchett and Julianne Nicholson. With its fiery qualities and magical feel, Ignatius might just fit in with Blaze, Griffin, Ember, or Atticus.
  14. Irving
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "green river, sea friend"
    • Description:

      It might be surprising to know that this name originated as a Scottish place and surname name, as in Washington Irving. It became a popular choice for first-generation Jewish-American boys, such as best-selling authors Irving Stone and Irving Wallace, whose parents looked to surnames from the British Isles to confer a measure of assimilation and class.
  15. Lars
    • Origin:

      Scandinavian from Latin Laurentius
    • Meaning:

      "crowned with laurel"
    • Description:

      Lars is a perfect candidate for a cross-cultural passport: it has been heard often enough here to sound familiar and friendly, yet retains the charisma of a charming foreigner.
  16. Leopold
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "brave people"
    • Description:

      This aristocratic, somewhat formal Germanic route to the popular Leo is a royal name: Queen Victoria used it to honor a favorite uncle, King Leopold of Belgium. Though Leopold sounds as if it might be a leonine name, it's not really a relative of such choices as Leon, and Leonard.
  17. Lysander
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Lysander is a distinctive Greek name that could be thought of as a more creative cousin of Alexander. In ancient history, Lysander was the name of an esteemed Spartan naval commander and his literary cred comes from one of the two star-struck young men in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, as well as one of the twin sons (the other being Lorcan) of Luna Lovegood, whom we learn about in the Harry Potter epilogue.
  18. Mordecai
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "follower of Marduk"
    • Description:

      Mordecai, although it has a noble heritage, has never caught on in this country, because of its rather weighty image.
  19. Octavius
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Octavius, which was at one time used for the eighth child in a family, has the worn leather patina of all the ancient Roman names now up for reconsideration. As a Roman family name, it derives from the uncommon forename Octavus, which designated an eighth son.
  20. Odysseus
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The name of the brave, resourceful hero of Homer's epic saga has almost always been considered too weighty for a child to bear, but at this point, some brave, resourceful parents out there might be willing to take it on.