Cutest -ie names

There is just something wonderfully sweet about names that end in -ie i just can't get enough of them
  1. Abbie
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Abigail
    • Meaning:

      "my father is joyful"
    • Description:

      Abbie is a gently old-fashioned nickname name that owes its rising popularity to Top 10 Abigail. Abby may be the more usual spelling today.
  2. Allie
    • Origin:

      Variation or diminutive of Alexandra, Alice or Allison; Greek, German or Scottish
    • Meaning:

      "defending men or noble"
    • Description:

      Allie is one short form that's gotten so popular it's often used as a name on its own. Cute, friendly, yet we'd recommend using one of the proper names such as Alice to give your daughter an option.
  3. Amie
    • Origin:

      Variation of Amy or Aimee, French
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Amy and all her sisters and cousins was such a popular name that this version was among the Top 1000 girl names in the US until the mid-90s. Last year only 32 baby girls were names Amie.
  4. Annie
    • Origin:

      English, diminutive of Ann
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Annie is one of the most open and optimistic, the-sun'll-come-out-tomorrow type of name, having been celebrated over the years in song (Annie Laurie), comic strip (Little Orphan Annie), folklore (Annie Oakley, born Phoebe), and film (Annie Hall). It strikes a nice old-fashioned-but-jaunty chord that still has appeal, but we do suggest that you consider putting a more formal version on her birth certificate.
  5. Aubrie
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Aubrey
    • Meaning:

      "elf ruler"
    • Description:

      An alternative to the highly popular Aubrey. It entered the US Top 1000 back in 2001, peaked in 2012 when it neared the Top 300, then dropped out of the charts in 2023. Aubree remains the more popular alternative.
  6. Bonnie
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "beautiful, cheerful"
    • Description:

      Bonnie is an adorable nickname name, heading back up the popularity list after a 50-year nap. A Top 100 girls' name throughout the rest of the English-speaking world, Americans are later to jump on the Bonnie bandwagon but now it's trending here too.
  7. Callie
    • Origin:

      Greek diminutive
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      As 90s and early 2000s favorite Allie is starting to fall, Callie is feeling extra fresh. Callie is a nickname name that is currently more popular on its own than any of its longer versions. Callie was popular in the late 1800s when it was in the Top 200 for several years. However the name fell out of favor, eventually falling off the charts for some time. Callie has been rising again since the 70s, and it is now back in the Top 200 once again. In the popular show Grey's Anatomy, doctor Callie Torez's full name is the Greek Calliope.
  8. Carrie
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Carol or Caroline
    • Meaning:

      "free man"
    • Description:

      Carrie lives on mainly on the screen, as the new/old antiheroine of Stephen King's classic Carrie, as turn-of-the-21st-century diva Carrie Bradshaw of Sex & The City, and as Claire Danes' Emmy-winning character Carrie Mathison of Homeland. In real life, however, Carrie dropped off the Top 1000 a handful of years ago and, while the name retains some charm, shows no signs of making an imminent comeback. Try Cara instead.
  9. Cassie
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Cassandra
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Though not much in use, still retains a cozy Little House on the Prairie-type pioneer feel.
  10. Cherie
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The kind of French name that seemed daring -- and darling -- in the sixties.
  11. Coralie
    • Origin:

      French from Latin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Coralie is a French name not often heard here, though she's gaining some recognition via Neil Gaiman's similar sounding spooky and lovely children's book, Coraline. Other literary appearances: Coralie is the stage name of an actress in Balzac's Lost Illusions, and a French girl in an 1850 Thackeray novel.

      Coralie is currently very popular in French-speaking Quebec, and there is a contemporary French singer named Coralie Clement.

  12. Daphnie
    • Ellie
      • Origin:

        English, diminutive of Eleanor and Ellen
      • Meaning:

        "bright shining one"
      • Description:

        Ellie first took off in the UK—yes, in this nickname form—and this warm and friendly name has also become hugely popular here. In 2011, Ellie entered the US Top 100 girl names for the first time and has remained near the top of the charts ever since.
    • Emilie
      • Origin:

        Spelling variation of Emily; German and Scandinavian feminine form of Aemilius
      • Description:

        Unlike most creative spellings, this one isn't overly trendy or overdone—in fact, it's quite delicate and pretty. However, it is clearly suffering from the plethora of similar names that are flowing around right now (Emelie, Emilia, Emily, Emilee, Amelie, Amelia) and has fallen more than 300 spots since 2013. It might be time for Emilie and her sisters to be left alone for a while.
    • Emmie
      • Description:

        A variation of mega popular name Emma and all of her cousins, Emmie came back to the US Top 1000 for the first time in 80 years in 2016. It's phonetically the same as more popular Emmy, but this option may avoid the award show connection. We could see it rising in future years.
    • Fie
      • Gracie
        • Origin:

          English, diminutive of Grace
        • Description:

          Cute Gracie is one of the more recently revived nickname names by parents who chose it over the more formal Grace--or variations like Graziella or Grania. Country singers Faith Hill and Tim McGraw cut straight to the nickname when they called one of their daughters Gracie, and actors Ron Livingston and Rosemarie DeWitt named their newborn daughter Gracie James. Gracie Gold is a popular young figure skater.
      • Hattie
        • Origin:

          English, diminutive of Harriet
        • Meaning:

          "estate ruler"
        • Description:

          In the USA, Hattie is one of those nicknames that is now more popular than its parent name, Harriet. In England, however, Harriet is still by far more popular than Hattie, while in Australia, Harriet is highly popular while no data exists on Hattie. In the US, we’d like to see Harriet get more usage but we’re happy to see Hattie again.
      • Jamie
        • Origin:

          Diminutive of James
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Jamie is typical of the relaxed unisex names starting with J that seemed so cool in the sixties after decades of Jeans and Joans, though now pretty tepid. Jaime and even Jamey and Jayme are alternate spellings.
      • Josie
        • Origin:

          English, diminutive of Josephine, feminine of Joseph, Hebrew
        • Meaning:

          "Jehovah increases"
        • Description:

          Josie is jaunty and friendly: among the most winning of all nickname names. She's been on the social security list since records began being kept.