Boy's Names

  1. Albert
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "noble, bright"
    • Description:

      Albert has acquired a new gloss as one of the top royal baby boy names, a considerable upgrade from its serious, studious image (think Einstein, Schweitzer).
  2. Bard
    • Origin:

      Irish variation of Baird, Scottish
    • Meaning:

      "minstrel, poet"
    • Description:

      Great Irish middle name choice for Shakespeare lovers.
  3. Beacon
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Meaning:

      "signal light"
    • Description:

      A word name with an appealing and illuminating meaning.
  4. Cabot
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "to sail"
    • Description:

      Cabot is an attractive English surname associated with the daring early Italian-born British explorer known as John Cabot; his birth name was Giovanni Caboto.
  5. Calix
    • Origin:

      Male variation of Calixta or Latin
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Calix is once-obscure name that is starting to see some use in the US, where 47 baby boys were named Calix in 2023. An indirect influence is the actress Calista Flockhart, who introduced Americans to the female version of this attractive Greek name to prominence.
  6. Cole
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "swarthy, coal black"
    • Description:

      Cole -- a short name that embodies a lot of richness and depth -- has long been associated with the great songwriter Cole Porter. It's quite popular in Scotland.
  7. Delano
    • Origin:

      French surname
    • Meaning:

      "from the forest of nut trees"
    • Description:

      Popular President Franklin Delano Roosevelt inspired a brief fashion for this as a first name in the 1940s; almost never heard today.
  8. Dell
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Odell, English
    • Meaning:

      "of the valley"
    • Description:

      Originally a short form of Odell, a place name turned surname that hails from England.
  9. Digby
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "town by the ditch"
    • Description:

      Digby is a place-name in Lincolnshire turned surname turned quirky first name that is starting to get some attention.
  10. Domino
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lord, master"
    • Description:

      Swaggering, cutting-edge choice equally appropriate for both genders. It's also very rare, given in the US in 2015 to only seven baby girls....and no recorded baby boys. Do you want to be the first?
  11. Ernest
    • Origin:

      English from German
    • Meaning:

      "serious, resolute"
    • Description:

      Ernest is one of those sober, so-far-out-they're-beginning-to-be-reconsidered Great Uncle names. Ernest recently received a big style boost when Britain's Princess Eugenie chose it for her second son.
  12. Felix
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "happy, fortunate"
    • Description:

      Felix is one of those ancient but nontraditional names for boys that have come into favor over the past few decades, a favorite of parents who want a masculine name with history and heft that breaks ranks with the standard Franks and Freds. Felix is also an international darling, ranking in the Top 100 in several European and English-speaking countries.
  13. Franklin
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "free landholder"
    • Description:

      A doubly Presidential name, via Pierce and Roosevelt, Franklin was given an initial boost via the fame of Benjamin Franklin. It also has a literary tie to the main character of the Wilkie Collins classic The Moonstone.
  14. Harvey
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "battle worthy"
    • Description:

      Harvey, which was brought to England by the Normans, is a genial, old-timey name that has been much more popular across the pond in the UK. It was a Top 100 choice in England & Wales from 1997 until 2021, though 2022 saw it fall just slightly.
  15. Hugh
    • Origin:

      English from German
    • Meaning:

      "mind, intellect"
    • Description:

      Patrician to the core, Hugh was firmly in the Top 100 until 1903. It's never achieved those heights again, though it has always managed to remain in the Top 1000, scraping bottom at literally Number 1000 in 2006 before reversing course and heading back upwards.
  16. Ian
    • Origin:

      Scottish version of John
    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      Ian is Scottish form of John, derived from the Hebrew name Yohanan. It is an Anglicization of the Scottish Gaelic Iain, which is also a viable spelling. Ian was introduced to Americans by Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond.
  17. Ike
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Isaac
    • Description:

      Ike, once the quirky one-person nickname of President Dwight Eisenhower, has morphed into a cool kid nickname of the early 21st century.
  18. Metro
    • Miles
      • Origin:

        English form of Milo
      • Meaning:

        "soldier or merciful"
      • Description:

        Miles, which has a permanent veneer of cool thanks to jazz great Miles Davis, is a confident and polished boys' name that's an American classic. Always ranking in the US Top 1000, it's been drifting up the charts for the past half century but has never been TOO popular.
    • Noah
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "rest, repose"
      • Description:

        Noah is nearly a patriarch of popular baby names at this point, going from Old Testament graybeard to Top 10 name in 2009, hitting Number 1 in 2013, and now settled into second place in the US for the past seven years.