L Names
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- Lacey
"from Lassy"Description:
A unique combination of a surname feel and dainty femininity. It's currently associated with actress Lacey Chambert.
- Lark
English bird nameDescription:
Lark is getting some new and well-deserved attention as a post-Robin and Raven bird name. Although it was first recorded as a name in the 1830's, it has never appeared on the Social Security list.
- Leonie
Leonie is a chic French and German form of a name that exists in a range of variations from Leona to Leonia to Leon to Leo to Lionel, all newly fashionable after a couple of generations in style limbo.
- Liana
Short form of -liana names, Portuguese, Italian, Georgian, FrenchMeaning:
"to climb like a vine"Description:
Liana is a pretty, graceful and simple name that doesn't fall flat. The name of a flowering tropical vine that grows in forests, it's an international gem that works well in multiple languages.
- Lilo
German, diminutive of Liselotte; HawaiianMeaning:
"generous one"Description:
Lilo is the name of the spunky little Hawaiian girl character in the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch-- and is also Lindsay Lohan's nickname. Multi-cultural, it can be found in Hawaiian, German and Hebrew nomenclature.
- Lottie
English, diminutive of CharlotteMeaning:
"free man"Description:
Lottie is a nostalgic great-grandma name that conjures up lockets and lace, and — like Nellie, Josie, Hattie, Tillie, and Milly — has considerable vintage charm.
- Luna
The name of the Roman goddess of the moon, Luna is derived straight from the Latin word for moon, luna. Luna may be the name most likely to surprise someone from an older generation by its Top 10 status in the US and its widespread international popularity.
- Llewellyn