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- Abbott
Aramaic, HebrewMeaning:
This traditionally male surname name could find new life for girls thanks to its similarity to the popular Abby and Abigail.
- Adair
Scottish and IrishMeaning:
"oak tree ford"Description:
Adair has flair, the grace of a Fred Astaire. It's a Scottish surname which came from the first name Edgar.
- Adelaide
Variant of Adelheidis, GermanMeaning:
"noble, nobility"Description:
Adelaide is now heading straight uphill on the coattails of such newly popular sisters as Ava, Ada, and Audrey, and in the company of Adeline and Amelia. It was chosen by actress Katherine Heigl for the name of her second daughter.
- Albin
Albin is a modern form of the ancient Roman Albinus or Albus, meaning white or bright. There was a Saint Albinus who was also known as Aubin. In the contemporary world, Albin is popular in Sweden and ripe for export as a simple, unusual name with deep history.
- Aldo
Italian from GermanMeaning:
"old and wise"Description:
A spirited German name very popular in Italy and occasionally used here, Aldo is one of the unique baby names with international flair. And names that mean wise have an enduring appeal.
- Alvy
Diminutive of Alvin, EnglishMeaning:
"noble friend; friend of the elves"Description:
Alvie is the spelling parents tend to prefer, and may rise along with Archie, Alfie, and Albie. The Alvy variation is strongly associated with Alvy Singer, Woody Allen's character in Annie Hall.
- Amari
Hebrew, Sanskrit, Latin, YorubaMeaning:
"eternal, goddess, loved, strength"Description:
Amari is a name that's rising in popularity in the US for both boys and girls. Last year, about 1000 baby girls and 2000 baby boys were named Amari in the US, making it one of the Top 20 gender neutral names.
- Amery
- Annona
"corn, grain"Description:
The Roman goddess Annona personified Rome's grain supply. Her name is derived from the Latin word annōna, meaning "corn" or "grain," which ultimately originated from annus, "year."
- Atlas
"bearer of the heavens"Description:
Atlas is one of those names that was previously thought too powerful for a baby boy, who would have to be strong enough to carry the world on his shoulders. Now Atlas has joined the pantheon of Greek and Roman god and goddess names in the realm of possibility, along with Mars, Zeus and Apollo.
- Audra
"noble strength"Description:
Used primarily in Scotland, and represented here by singer Audra McDonald, the girls' name Audra has been overshadowed by the return of the classic Audrey. Audra may be to Audrey what Jenna is to Jennifer and Jessa is to Jessica: A variation that will rise as the original falls from favor, which may take another decade.
- Aurelia
"the golden one"Description:
Aurelia is an ancient Roman name that's become a surprise hit in the contemporary world. A top favorite on Nameberry, it reentered the US Top 1000 in 2014 after a 70-year absence and continues to climb.
- Avery
"ruler of the elves"Description:
Avery is a hugely popular name in the US, especially for girls. But while nearly four times as many girls as boys are named Avery today Avery's popularity is starting to soften for girls while it continues to strengthen for boys.
- Avi
Avi, the short form of many Hebrew names, is often used on its own in Israel. It entered the US Top 1000 for the first time in 2015.
- Afrodille
- Ailey
- Bellamy
English and Irish from FrenchMeaning:
"fine friend"Description:
Bellamy is a surname name with an admirable meaning and upbeat rhythm, similar to jovial choices like Rafferty, Barnaby and Willoughby.
- Brahm
- Brock
Brock is a rock solid name, with a touch of preppy sophistication. It ranked solidly in the 200s-300s from 1975 until 2014, but has since tumbled a bit.
- Bruno
Tough-yet-cuddly Bruno is an international name even in its origins: it derives from the Germanic word for "brown" plus a Latin ending, and was borrowed as a color word in many European languages.