October Berrybabes: Callum, Cosima, Cressida and Cleo

October Berrybabes: Callum, Cosima, Cressida and Cleo

By Linda Rosenkrantz

A rich harvest of berrybaby names arrived in October!

Highlights include one pair of handsomely named boy twins, Milo Robinson and Phineas (Finn) Graham, two girls named Willow and several Ben boys. A rising middle for boys seems to be shades of Gray/Gray.

The complete list of October baby names chosen by our Berries:


Cleo Alma

“Thank you, Abby (our Name Sage who recommended Cleo) so much for your help with deciding what would be the perfect name for our little girl.”

Cosima Renee, sister of Elodie Martha

“Both girls have first names that are unique (both my husband and I have top 5 names from the 80’s), feminine and melodic, and middle names that are family namesakes.”

Cressida Kate, sister of Barnaby Jack and Philomena Lily

“Cressida is a name we found on Nameberry and both fell in love with. It’s especially meaningful to us because my husband and I met while doing a Shakespeare play seven years ago.”

Esmee Apolline, sister of Simone Marguerite, Clemence Elisabeth and Leo Barthelemy

“We chose Esmee because it’s so lush, chic and French and, believe it or not, we met in an American Lit class at college! Apolline was something our children suggested and we both loved.”

Holland Caroline

“Holland was on my list after hearing of an actress with the name; when we were discussing names, I highlighted my favorites in the Nameberry Very Best Book, and my husband went through and approved or disapproved of my choices.  Holland was his favorite, and he lobbied hard for it…We love that it’s easy to spell and pronounce (as we have a difficult last name) while still being unusual.  My husband’s father’s family lived in Holland for a time..and (we found out after she was born and named!) Holland was one of my great-grandmothers’ maiden names!…Caroline is a classic favorite (I love a more classic middle to “ground” a more unusual first), and honors my mother and MIL (both named Karen) as well as my grandmother Carol, who played a special part in me and my husband’s early relationship.”

Lyra Rosemary Rabbit, sister of Ariadne Linnea River

“Lyra was chosen because of the connections to astronomy and mythology.  We have had a number of family pass away in the last few years, so we chose Rosemary for the Hamlet quote: ‘There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray, love, remember,” and Rabbit specifically for my mother, who loved them.”

Matilda Marie

“After going with Claire the majority of the pregnancy and the first 2 days in the hospital, things got switched up at the last minute…Funny thing is, Matilda was barely on our radar.  When you know, you know.”

Olive Margaret

“Other top names Macy and Meadow just would not have suited her little face.”

Rosalie Eleanor Rae, sister of Dominic Jameson

Sylvie Anne, sister of Margot Nathalie and Delphine Marie

“We chose all 3 first names because they were somewhat familiar, but also very unique in our part of the world.  My husband and I have very common names and we didn’t want that for our kids.  Each middle name had to meet 2 criteria: be common and easy to pronounce in our community, and honor one specific family member…This group has offered me ideas and advice in naming all three of my girls the past 8 years.  I’m just so thankful I found this community!”

Tatum Scout, sister of Rhys Phoenix and Ensley Piper

The name Tatum has been topping our list of faves for a few years now..But my husband would have also liked to call our little girl Scout. And although I find the name Scout adorable and appealing for its honorable literary namesake, I personally found it more fitting as a nickname.  Conversely with regard to Tatum, neither my husband nor I are fond of shortened nickname versions of the name.  So we decided to call our little girl Tatum Scout so that she could be called by her middle name, Scout, as a nickname….As was true with the names of our other children, Nameberry was a major influence in helping us choose a name this time around, and for that we are truly grateful.”

Willow James Ardith

Willow has been my fave name since I can remember.  It evokes the beauty and magic of the fall.  What is more, it is a perfect name for our Halloween baby….we love the meaning of Ardith—“flowering fields.” So Willow’s names are meaningful and magical to us.”

Willow Seraphina

“Willow’s name honors my grandmother, who is my best friend and turned 83 this year.  When I was a child, I would spend the summer at her country house, and there was a willow tree growing nearby.  Granny would always tell me I was just like this tree, strong and beautiful. Moreover, my brother just told me Ron Weasley’s wand was made of willow, and it just makes my inner HP fan squee, as he’s always been my favorite character.”


Benjamin Gray, brother of Olivia Harper, Zachary Leo and Dylan Malcolm

Bennett John

“I chose Bennett because it was unique, yet not unheard of…When we went to London very soon after learning we were pregnant, we read about many historic figures named Bennett as it was a popular surname in Europe.  It felt like a sign we were on the right path.  In addition, I love the ETTE sound as my mother is named Annette.  The name felt like a nice tip of the hat to her.  Finally, the name means blessing, adored, which he is and always will be.”

Callum Benjamin

“He’s definitely not an Atlas, Magnus, Arthur or any of the other names we considered and we’re glad we held out for the right one!”

Milo Robinson, twin of Phineas Graham

“We agreed on Milo after eliminating Atticus due to its recent popularity. We have to thank the kind folks here for helping us choose middle names. Graham and Robinson are both family names and we are so glad we went with them.”

Phineas Graham, twin of Milo Robinson

“Phineas (who goes by Finn most of the time) was my wife’s long-time favorite.”

Rhys Mark Wolfe, brother of Rory Steven and Dashiell Kenneth

Ruben Harvey, brother of Clara Maxine and Otto Willard

Sterling Atlas, brother of Colette Harlow

I had heard of the name Sterling before, but I didn’t really start to like it until my husband started working under a great man with the name.  He made it seem so regal, so debonair, so tailored—just smooth class. Atlas conjures up images of the globe, travel, and thus feels humbling and powerful at the same time.  Plus, I feel Atlas adds a little zest to the name and completes the pattern of classic/modern I had going with Colette.”

Thatcher Grey

“When contemplating baby names, my husband and I kept our top names on a list and upon a second glance, we found that we fell into a pattern: occupational names. Thatcher is an occupational name that isn’t too common but still very recognizable. Grey is a name that my husband was determined to use, regardless of baby gender…and of course, I love it.”

So which are your favorites this month???

About the Author

Linda Rosenkrantz

Linda Rosenkrantz

Linda Rosenkrantz is the co-founder of Nameberry, and co-author with Pamela Redmond of the ten baby naming books acknowledged to have revolutionized American baby naming. You can follow her personally at InstagramTwitter and Facebook. She is also the author of the highly acclaimed New York Review Books Classics novel Talk and a number of other books.