Notable Names for December

Notable Names for December

By Kelly P. McDonald

Now that the month of December has arrived, preparations for the holidays are in full swing. Yet many Nameberry enthusiasts are planning for a lot more than just a family get-together! Whether you’re searching for a name for your winter baby or you’re just beginning to explore a few seasonal possibilities, this list of December baby names will offer you a number of appealing choices.

Camellia—The Camellia Bowl is taking place on December 20th this year, and although football is not generally associated with delicacy and femininity,that is exactly what this gem of a name exudes. Camellia is a luxurious floral moniker that is far less common than the well-worn choices of Camille and Camilla. If you’re looking for an alternative to Lily or Rose, this could be the perfect choice for you.

DelphineDelphine is a sinuous, beautiful name that is sometimes recommended as a winter name by the Catholic Church, as December 9th is the feast day of the patron saint Delphine. Some people would argue that the Spanish version, Delfina, is even more appealing, but both names are excellent choices.

FrancisFrancis Albert Sinatra, far better known as Frank, was born on December 12th of 1913. A celebrated performer whose songs still make hearts melt today, Sinatra also shares a first name with the enormously popular current Pope. The name has especially deep meaning for many Catholics because of its connection to the pious, animal-loving Saint Francis of Assisi, who is said to be one of the present Pope’s greatest role models.

Holly—A quintessential winter name for girls, Holly is still a charming choice, especially when it is spiced up with an interesting middle name. Holly refers to a dark green shrub typically used for decoration in the colder months. Holly is currently at number 449 on U.S. name lists but 334 on nameberry, which demonstrates that it is a not-too-popular but still quality choice. In other English-speaking countries, though, it’s another story: Holly is Number 19 in Ireland, 24 in England and Scotland and 35 in Wales.

Jane—One of the greatest fiction writers of all time, Jane Austen, was born on December 6th in 1775, and the universal appeal of both her novels and name is hard to deny. Jane is spunky, erudite, and elegant, and belongs to more notable females than we can list here. Jane is a great choice for nearly every parent, from the traditional to the off-the-beaten path types to those searching for a literary moniker.

Kirk—The famed actor Kirk Douglas (nee Issur Danielovitch) was born ninety-eight years ago on December 9th. The name Kirk is short and strong, with more character than many other one-syllable male choices. Although Kirk peaked in the ‘70s, it has gained some attention on Nameberry recently, and may be most appealing to film enthusiasts.

Klaus—This unusual German moniker is now best known for its ties to both the children’s book series A Series of Unfortunate Events (it is the name of the sole male protagonist) and its phonetic similarity to Santa Claus’s last name. Klaus is an interesting alternative to more conventional choices like Chris, and the K beginning certainly adds some verve.

Nicholas—While not exactly a rare name—it was given to roughly 7,000 little boys in 2013—Nicholas is still a timeless choice with a variety of endearing nicknames. The name has wintry associations through the beloved Saint Nicholas, an early Christian saint who was known to surprise children with toys. This would be a wonderful choice for those looking to subtly allude to a winter birth while also potentially commemorating a celebrated Christian hero.

Noel—Another traditional holiday name—especially for babies born on Christmas Day—that can also be spelled Noelle or even expanded into Noella. The Noel form is unisex, but the other two are distinctly feminine. Noel is a poetic name with a French flair that should still be appreciated by stylish parents today. Its current rank is Number 383.

About the Author

Elisabeth Wilborn

Elisabeth Wilborn

Elisabeth Wilborn can be found at her online homes You Can't Call It "It" and The Itsy Factor, and she has part-time residency at Nameberry and Apartment Therapy. In the real world she also enjoys painting, cooking, and raising her two little girls on their farm in Texas. \n