Nominate the Best User Lists!
If you’ve spent any time on Nameberry, you’ve probably discovered our thousands of lists created by our users — nearly 12,000 public lists, and over 60,000 if you count the private ones!
We feature one of these user lists every day on the site, to help people discover the best lists created by Nameberry visitors and to help spotlight all our creative berries. These user lists cover every topic imaginable, ranging from lots devoted to Favorite Names or Baby Name Ideas to such arcane topics as Names for Steampunk Aristocracy or Sky Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology.
And now we’re looking for more wonderful user-created lists to spotlight. So please nominate your favorites for more attention, whether you created them yourself or discover them in our archives.
To help you find great user lists to bring to our collective attention, here’s the home page for lists organized by category, and here’s the master list of user lists, with alphabetical navigation.