Love the name, hate the nickname? Or vice versa….
We got the idea for this Question of the Week from a forum thread titled, Loving Frederick, hating Fred, by a mom who wants to name her son Frederick but really, really, really does not want him to be called Fred or Freddie.
This is an issue that plagues many parents: Loving a name, but not its logical short form. Or sometimes, it’s the other way around: An affection for Theo or Edie, say, but not so much for Theodore or Edith.
So our question of the week is: What name, is any, inspires this love-hate relationship in you?
Did you choose a name — or do you have a name — whose long form you love and short form you don’t or vice versa, and how do you handle it? How does that work out for you? Would you put the short form you love on the birth certificate and sidestep the long form you don’t entirely?
If you don’t have any real life experience with this problem, what names have long forms you love and short forms you don’t, or vice versa?