66 Fragrant Flower Names
Everyone loves flower names. And think of the infinite variety there would be if we added some French flair or Latin rhythm to the mix. A a whole new international garden of possibilities out there!
Here are 66 botanical choices picked from France, Spain and Italy, with some interesting surprises. Did you know, for example, that Erica is a botanical name—it’s what heather is known as in Italy. Or that Pansy is Pensée in France (there’s a thought!) and Amapola is poppy in Spanish?
Flower Names: I Fiori
Astro Aster
Calendula Marigold
Clematide Clematis
Fiordaliso Cornflower (also fleur-de-lis)
Garofano Carnation
Gelsomino Jasmine
Geranio Geranium
Giacinto Hyacinth
Giglio Lily
Gladiolo Gladiolus
Loto Lotus
Mirto Myrtle
Oleandro Oleander
Orchidea Orchid
Ortensia Hydrangea
Primula Cowslip
Saggia Sage
Tulipano Tulip
Zafferano Saffron
Linda Rosenkrantz is the co-founder of Nameberry, and co-author with Pam Satran of the ten baby naming books acknowledged to have revolutionized American baby naming. In addition to contributing stories on trends and celebrity naming, she guides the editorial content and manages the Nameberry Twitter and Facebook accounts. You can follow her personally at Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. She is also the author of the highly acclaimed New York Review Books Classics novel Talk and a number of other books.