10 of the Right Names to Write
By Kara @ The Art of Naming
Kids today have so much technology at their disposal that most of them probably don’t write nearly as often as us older folks did. I don’t know about you but when I grew up, cursive was still very much a thing. I remember having to practice each letter over and over again until I got them right.
My favorite letters, of course, were the loopiest ones like f, g, l, p, and y. I remember doodling all over my binders wishing that my name had loopier letters in it. When my name didn’t satisfy, I began writing the names of my friends, my classmates, my family members and my crushes instead.
These days, everything is so digital that I can’t remember the last time I actually pulled out a pen and paper and got my loop on. Since I was thinking about it, I started to wonder which names would be the most fun to write.
I’m sure there are tons of great options out there but I picked my 10 favorite names to write:
This interesting and rare boy name has so much going for it in the way of cursiveness. The ll, the g-to-h, the b and the y… I’m dying to write this down right now! Aren‘t you? Willoughby was sometimes used a century ago for males but it’s very rare now. This spelling had 6 births for boys and 7 for girls in 2014.
This nature name looks beautiful in cursive. You really can’t beat going from a drop-down-loop to an upper loop like this y to double-l transition. And there’s something adorable about a lowercase S. Amaryllis has never been popular but it has been used since 1926 in the US. There were 49 births for girls in 2014.
My favorite cursive letter of all is the capital L! There are so many loops in Loulabelle that it’s impossible to not want to write it a dozen times! Plus it sounds beautiful too! This spelling of Loulabelle has no usage on record in the US as a name.
Honestly, the longer the name, the better! With four syllables and eleven letters, Cadwallader offers so much in the way of cursive writing. Even just eyeballing it made me dizzy! Cadwallader has no usage as a name in the US but it would be a quirky choice.
I may have added an extra L to this beautiful guilty pleasure name but Tigerlilly really is a pleasure to write! I mean, check out that capital T! According to records, this spelling of Tigerlilly has only been used for 5 girls in 2001 and 5 girls in 2010.
It would be a shame to exclude the marvelous lowercase letters Z and Q. Plus, capital E’s are so curvy and fun to write! Used since 1912, Ezequiel has ranked in the Top 1000 since the early 1980s and had 485 births for boys in 2014.
Don‘t forget about those loopy F’s! Rafferty excellently displays plenty of fun letters that you’ll love to doodle absentmindedly. Cross that T with style! As a name, Rafferty is rare. Used in the US since 1989, it only had 11 births for boys in 2014.
Another satisfying letter is the capital D. This lovely name will take you on a roller coaster ride of cursive goodness! Plus, it’s rare and lovely as a name! It has been around since 1902 but it has never gained steam. There were only 8 girls named Delphina in 2014.
Gorgeous Gwendolyn also has an amazing capital letter along with some lowercase loopiness and an l-to-y combo. What’s not to love? This name had a popularity peak in 1953, declined after that but is starting to climb the charts again. There were 756 girls given this name in 2014 for a rank of #420.
Last but not least, Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat may not be used at all as an actual name in the US, but it’s definitely full of excellent cursive loopiness. Look at that capital J! It even has three H’s! I dare you not to doodle this one throughout your next class or business meeting.–What do you think of my collection of cursive-friendly names? I know there are way more names out there that would inspire anyone to pull out a pen and paper. Can you think of any?