Girl Dog Names That Start With I

  1. Io
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Description:

      Io may be one of the slightest names in the book, but there aren't many two-letter names with as much substance as this Greek mythological example. Io, a name used for the largest moon of Jupiter, was in classic myth raped by Zeus and escaped from him by changing herself into a cow.
  2. Itzel
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "rainbow lady"
    • Description:

      This name, stemming from the Mayan mythological figure of the Rainbow Lady, is a surprising pop hit, primarily among Hispanic parents.
  3. Inara
    • Origin:

      Arabic, Basque, mythology, "shining light, enlightenment; sunray; goddess"
    • Meaning:

      "shining light, enlightenment; sunray; goddess"
    • Description:

      Inara is an appealing choice with multiple origins, currently in the Top 500 in the UK and the Netherlands. Gentle looking but bright in feel, it is also on the rise in the US, possibly owing to its use in Joss Whedon's hit sci-fi series Firefly, featuring main character, Inara Serra.
  4. Irina
    • Origin:

      Russian from Greek
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Irina is a Russian ballet-inflected classic, one of the Three Sisters in the Chekhov play. While some Americans will pronounce this like Irene with three syllables, the pronunciation used throughout Europe, where it's widely used, starts with a short i as in it or if and a strong emphasis on the second syllable.
  5. Indy
    • Origin:

      Short form of Indiana
    • Description:

      Indie — as in indie films — is the more girlish version of the name, but earthy, gender-neutral Indy is catching up slowly and steadily. Indy entered the Top 1000 for girls for the first time in 2023 after rising over 100 places. For a longer full name, vibrant Indigo remains more and more stylish each year.
  6. Ivory
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Meaning:

      "hard, white material from the tusks and teeth of animals; pale, white"
    • Description:

      Ivory was last popular a hundred years ago. In 2013, it finally began to regain some momentum in the female rankings, reentering the Top 1000.
  7. Indi
    • Origin:

      Variation of Indie, English
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A true maverick of a girls' name — even more so with this spelling, the least common between Indie, Indy, and Indi.
  8. Indira
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      A striking and feminine possibility associated with a modern hero — longtime Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi.
  9. Irie
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "positive and powerful"
    • Description:

      A name used in the Caribbean, taken from the Rastafarian term that translates best to "positive and powerful." Rastas often greet each other by saying, "Are you feeling Irie today?"
  10. Izzy
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Isabel and Isabella
    • Description:

      The longer Isabella stays in the Top 10—and it's been there for more than a decade—the more we hear the nickname Izzy (especially if we watch Grey's Anatomy). it's just a matter of time before it stands on its own, as it has as a first name for the daughter of Eddie Murphy and Paige Butcher.
  11. Isabeau
    • Origin:

      French variation of Isabel
    • Meaning:

      "pledged to God"
    • Description:

      With Isabel getting so popular, parents are searching for new varieties of the name, and Isabeau is one that makes a lovely French twist.
  12. Indiana
    • Origin:

      American place-name
    • Meaning:

      "land of the Indians"
    • Description:

      Indiana is one of those place-names (think Camden and Trenton) that sounds cooler than the place that inspired it. Its fashionable -ana ending certainly sounds eminently name-like, and Indie/Indy/Indi is one of the hottest nickname names for girls right now.
  13. Idony
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "love again, renewal"
    • Description:

      Idony was the Norse goddess of spring and eternal youth, and variants of her obscure name could come under consideration with the rest of the fashionable I pack.
  14. Isis
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Isis has gone from magical, feminist name on the rise to the forbidden list because of the extremist terror group called ISIS, an acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Unsurprisingly, Isis was one of the fastest-falling names in 2014, dropping 130 ranks to reach #706. Interestingly, however, since 2020, it has begun to see increased use again, and 2023 saw it given to 151 girls.
  15. Imani
    • Origin:

      Arabic, Swahili
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Another strong Arabic name, related to Iman. Imani one is popular throughout the Muslim world but especially East Africa. It was chosen for her daughter by actress Jasmine Guy.
  16. Iyla
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Iyla, now a Top 1000 girls' name in the US, resembles many other popular names, from the Top 100 Isla to the Turkish Ayla, with which it shares a moonlit meaning.
  17. Ino
    • Origin:

      Greek; Japanese
    • Description:

      Ino was one of the Queens of Thebes who, after her death, became an immortal. Ino raised her nephew, Dionysus (son of Semele and Zeus), provoking the wrath of Hera. In desperation Ino threw herself into the sea and was thereafter venerated as Leucothea (The White Goddess).
  18. Ila
    • Origin:

      Scottish, Hindi, Hungarian, Finnish
    • Meaning:

      "from the island; earth, sacred speech; shining light; joy"
    • Description:

      A simple name that's rising fast in the US, likely inspired by the popularity of Isla and Ayla. This streamlined form might appeal to those who like Ana, Ivy, and Ada, and it brings a multicultural element to the name.
  19. Ismay
    • Origin:

      Possible variation of Esme
    • Meaning:

      "esteemed, beloved"
    • Description:

      The rise of the the various Isabel names may give a boost to this variation, which has a sunny, springtime feel.
  20. Irma
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "universal, whole, great"
    • Description:

      A Top 200 choice in the US from the late 1880s to the early 1930s, Irma has nevertheless fallen out of favor with modern parents, and doesn't look set for the sort of comeback that some of her vintage sisters have enjoyed in recent years. The devastating hurricane which hit the Caribbean Islands and the south-east coast of the US in 2017 has no doubt dealt its chances of revival a further blow.