Libra: Naming a Baby With a Leo Partner
Libra, Leo brings exuberant energy to your name search, and you are a natural team. You both care deeply about how a name is received by the world at large. Together, you will be sure to find a name that is met with energy and delight.
Leo leans towards attention-grabbing names, while you may shy away from the drama they find most exciting in a name. However, you both ultimately share the same goal: a highly likable name filled with ease and charm. You focus more on the details of the name — how it upholds both sides of your family traditions or how it looks when written on paper. Alternately, Leo explores how each name claims a special shine for your child. Leo will appreciate your attention to the finer details of each name after they have spotted the ones with the most verve.
Leo will meet you in your quest for a name that is beautiful. Leo has an innate knack for style — you can trust that Leo’s taste is solid, and may even introduce chic names into the mix that you wouldn’t have found on your own. The names they pick may have a bolder sense of energy to them — bright sounds and bouncy rhythms that pop among your more classic and lyrical choices. You can help Leo find the names that are not only lively but also graceful. Leo will encourage you to be more adventurous in your choices, finding a name that is wonderfully stylish and unabashedly full of charm.
Celebrity Libra & Leo Namers
Matt Damon & Luciana Barroso: Isabella, Gia, & Stella
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