Capricorn: Naming a Baby With a Libra Partner
Capricorn, you and Libra will particularly enjoy exploring the possible receptions of each of your contenders. You both are concerned about perception, and together, will agree on a name that evokes power and beauty.
As you share your lists and gather feedback, each of you will be looking for different information. Libra will focus on how agreeable the name is, while you will have an eagle eye to make sure the name is making an impression of power and leadership. Libra will seek warmth and acceptance, while your priority will be a name that instills respect.
You might lose patience with Libra as they fret over several influences or have emotional responses to your thoroughly researched contenders. Their process is one that will bring many names to the foreground that you might not have found yourself. Libra will remind you that charm can be a gentle and more powerful form of influence. Be sure to give more space in the conversation to Libra than you think necessary — because of their diplomatic ways, they may acquiesce to your confident stride before knowing their own preference clearly.
There are plenty of meeting places between the two of you. Your appreciation for family names that are crisp and tailored will happily meet Libra’s sense of balance and love of the familiar. You want to be sure that the name you pick is fully endorsed by both of you. With Libra’s excitement about the final name, you will be sure to have found a name that exudes both intention and grace.
Celebrity Capricorn & Libra Namers
Amanda Peet & David Benioff: Molly June, Frances Pen & Henry Peet
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